DAC Nights: Total Eclipse of the Art
An in-person event
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Get ready to gaze into a burnin’ ring of fire at DAC Nights: Total Eclipse of the Art!
In preparation for the solar eclipse on Saturday, October 14, come to the Dougherty Arts Center and build your own eclipse viewing kit. Learn about eclipse glasses and pinhole viewers to construct your own safe means of viewing the rare celestial event! We will have supplies for building the kit, as well as art projects for decorating the kit and more with sun and eclipse themed prints.
This event is free! Registration is encouraged, but not required.
Supplies will be provided for construction of eclipse viewers, as well as for decorations.
For more information about this event, email DACTheater@austintexas.gov
The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. For assistance, please contact (512) 974-3914 or Relay Texas 7-1-1.