Beginning September 1, 2021, a landlord may issue a notice to vacate if the tenant owes three or more months of rent and certain other conditions are met. In accordance with Mayoral Order No. 20210730-031 (PDF), before a notice to vacate can be issued, landlords must:
  1. Register as a Landlord on the RENT application portal
  2. Complete and submit the Eviction Prevention Application (below) to document the steps taken to apply for rental assistance programs.


For landlords not proceeding with vacating tenants, this is not a required step to register for the RENT program. 


Eviction Prevention Application

The following form is required by landlords to comply with Mayoral Order No. 20210527-030 (PDF) and who wish to proceed with issuing notices to vacate for nonpayment of five (5) or more months of rent. Before proceeding, an application must be submitted to apply for the City of Austin’s RENT assistance program or another available rental assistance resource.

If you're having issues with the application below, visit the Eviction Prevention Application page.

Frequently Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

Landlords or property owners with tenants who owe three (3) or more months of rent payments, have exhausted all available rental assistance remedies, and who wish to issue a notice to vacate for non-payment of rent. 

Why would I need to use this form?

To comply with Mayoral Order No. 20210527-030 (PDF), before a notice to vacate can be issued, landlords must ensure that a residential tenant owes an amount of rent that exceeds the total of three (3) or more months due on or after April 1, 2020 and that:

  • the landlord has exhausted all available rental assistance remedies; or
  • the landlord or tenant is not eligible for any rental assistance remedies; and
  • the landlord notified the tenant that an application for rental assistance remedies was submitted within seven (7) days from the date of the application.
If I am a landlord and my tenant needs rental assistance, should I fill out this form?

No, this form is only for landlords who have tenants that owe three (3) or more months of rent payments AND wish to issue a notice to vacate for non-payment of rent. 

What is required if I am a landlord who wishes to issue a notice to vacate?

Landlords that wish to issue a notice to vacate for non-payment of rent must:

  1. Register as a Landlord on the RENT application portal
  2. Complete and submit the Eviction Prevention Application to document the steps taken to apply for rental assistance programs.
I’m a landlord who wants to help their tenant obtain rental assistance, what do I do?

First, landlords should register for an ERAP account at Once a landlord has registered for an ERAP account, log in, and click the Landlord Info button. Enter your Landlord/Agent info to add your entity to your account. Once your entity is created, click the Refer Renters option to enter your renter’s email address under the Applications section. Once the renter’s email has been entered, the Portal will send an email message inviting your renter to notify them of the program and encourage them to apply if they meet the eligibility requirements. Renters can then follow the link in the email to begin the application.  

Proceso de prevención del desalojo y requisitos normativos del desalojo

A partir del 1 de septiembre de 2021, un propietario puede entregar un aviso de desalojo si el inquilino adeuda tres o más meses de alquiler y se reúnen otras determinadas condiciones.  Según la Orden Nro. 20210730-031 (PDF) del Alcalde, antes de poder entregar un aviso de desalojo, los propietarios deben: 

  1. Registrarse como Landlord en el portal de solicitud RENT 

  1. Completar y enviar la Solicitud para prevención del desalojo (abajo) para documentar las medidas tomadas para solicitar asistencia para la renta de programas. 

En el caso de los propietarios que no procedan con el desalojo de inquilinos, este no es un paso obligatorio para registrarse para el programa RENT.  


Solicitud para prevención del desalojo 

Se requiere de la siguiente forma para cumplir con la Orden Nro. 20210527-030 (PDF) del Alcalde y para quienes deseen entregar avisos de desalojo por falta de pago del alquiler por tres (3) meses o más. Antes de proceder, se debe presentar una solicitud al programa de asistencia RENT de la Ciudad de Austin u otro recursos de asistencia para la renta disponible. 

Si tiene problemas con la siguiente solicitud, visite la página Solicitud para prevención del desalojo