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October is the time of year when we overseed the Golf ATX courses over a 2 week period. 

In golf, "overseeding" refers to a maintenance process on the golf course in which grass seed is spread on top of the existing Bermuda grass to promote new growth while the summer seasonal turf slows growth, or goes dormant during the winter. This process provides a supplemental grass to encourage uniformity of putting and adds color to the dormant green and allows a living and growing t…


Golf ATX Flagstick

New Resident Card Program

City of Austin residents who purchase a Golf ATX Resident card receive a discount off green fees and merchandise. Residents also receive a discount off Golf ATX memberships.

To purchase a resident card you must be a City of Austin resident. Resident cards are $5.00 annually and available for purchase at Lions, Clay/Kizer or Morris Williams.


Golf ATX or Grey Rock member, Austin residents, will receive a discount on annual Golf ATX and Grey Rock member programs.


Putting Green

Overseed, either rye grass seed or Poa Trivialis grass seed, for the City courses is typically planted in early October through November and will be the putting surface through spring. We have overseeded greens at Lions, Hancock, Jimmy Clay and Roy Kizer. We did not overseed greens at Morris Williams, Grey Rock, or the Joe Balander short course.

Bermuda grass will go dormant (still grows but very slowly) during the winter months and will start to strengthen about this time of year. Transition of the Bermuda grass will largely depend on rainfall and temperatures. We cou…


Parade of golf carts driving onto carts  Players on Driving Range  


The Austin golf season is in full swing and with that tournaments and events hosted at the City courses. UIL has just concluded and the busy Memorial Day weekend is ahead. We have several tournaments booked for the first Saturday in June, golfers looking to play on 6/2 should contact Morris Williams for tee times at 512-974-8333 and Clay and Kizer will have afternoon tee times availabl…