Ready Set Go

Make emergency preparedness your superpower! Central Texas carries the greatest risk for wildfires outside of California. Preventing wildfires is everyone’s responsibility. It is not a matter of if but WHEN the next wildfire happens. Do everything you can to keep the next wildfire from starting in our area.

Plan ahead for wildfire by creating a defensible space around your home, hardening your home to fire, and building a plan for when your home is threatened by wildfire.

Learn more from Austin's Wildfire Division's Wildfire Hub.


You can also download the Ready, Set, Go! program's Personal Wildfire Action Guide. (Descargar la guia en español.)

English Ready Set Go Spanish Ready Set Go

Temporary Assembly Points

During a potential evacuation, City of Austin emergency responders will direct evacuees to a Temporary Assembly Point, or TAP, to check in and account for all evacuees. This helps the City track residents and know if anyone is missing or unaccounted for from the evacuation area. (Ver el video en español.)

Temporary Assembly Point Spanish TAP


Ready, Set, Go! Program

The Ready, Set, Go! program aims to educate the public on the three stages of wildfire preparedness.

Ready stage:

  • Create a defensible space around your home by removing brush, debris and flammable materials and cleaning your gutters.
  • Harden your home to wildfire by utilizing fire resistant construction practices. This includes noncombustible materials for decks and patios, switching away from wooden fences wherever possible, enclose eaves around your home with ignition-resistant materials and properly screen your vents with metal mesh.
  • Build your go-kit or emergency kit. You will need 3 days of food and water for each member of your household. Think of the 4 P’s: people, pets, papers, prescriptions.
    • Don’t forget important documents like birth certificates and passports, and important medications are needed because you don’t know when you will be able to return to your home.

Set stage:

  • Monitor conditions in your area in the event of a wildfire. Watch your local news. Follow emergency management and public safety departments on social media to stay up to date.  
  • Check the city’s alerts page at for the latest updates on the situation.  
  • Dress in appropriate clothes in case you have to evacuate -- long sleeves and face coverings to protect from flames and smoke inhalation.
  • Have your go-kit in an easy to grab location on your way out.
  • Ensure all members of your household and pets are accounted for and prepared to go if the need arises.
  • If you have a medical condition, mobility challenges or any other reason you believe would require you more time to evacuate DO NOT HESITATE to leave early. Seconds count in an evacuation. If you feel unsafe, leave.

Go stage:

  • Get out of your home and neighborhood immediately. Account for all people and pets in your home, grab your go-kit and leave!
  • Do not wait for direction from emergency personnel if there is possible threat to your home or evacuation route.
  • Follow instructions from emergency personnel on-site.
  • Check in at the temporary assembly point emergency personnel direct you to.
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