The HIV Planning Council is a group of dedicated volunteers who help steer the local response to the HIV crisis. Council members prioritize services to help people living with and affected by HIV. The HIV Planning Council works to ensure the best care for the community.

The Council’s main goal is to plan and decide how to distribute the Ryan White grant funds in the community through various services. The goal is to efficiently fund services that meet the multiple care needs of HIV clients with limited resources.

Other projects the Planning Council works on:

  • Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan: This is a guide, developed by the Planning Council, that outlines the goals and objectives they intend to achieve to improve quality and access to prevention and care services for PLWH in the Austin Area over a five-year period.
  • Austin Area HIV Needs Assessment: Every three years the HIV Planning Council conducts needs assessment of the people living with HIV in the Austin Area to help determine how to prioritize the funds available for services.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the HIV Planning Council, fill out the Membership Application below and submit to the Office of Support. Once your application is received, the Office of Support will contact you to set up an interview.

Applicants who are members of, employees of, or who have a financial interest in, an organization seeking Ryan White funds can serve on the Council. However, they cannot vote on awarding funds when their particular agency’s service category is involved.

Online New Member Training

Application for Membership on Austin Area HIV Planning Council  

Important Planning Council Documents

2017-2021 Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan.  This is a guide, developed by the Planning Council, that outlines the goals and objectives they intend to achieve to improve quality and access to prevention and care services for PLWHA in the Austin TGA over a five-year period. 

2017 Austin Area HIV Needs Assessment: Every three years the HIV Planning Council conducts needs assessment of the people living with HIV/AIDS in the Austin TGA to help determine how to prioritize the funds available for services.


For more information about the HIV Planning Council, meeting announcements, or membership opportunities, visit the City of Austin Boards & Commission website. To stay up to date with Austin Area HIV Planning Council activities, sign up for our email distribution list.