Are you planning to come to Austin for your family vacation this year, or to attend a special event like SXSW or ACL?  Well, you aren’t alone. Every year, 19.7 million people visit the Texas capital.  There are plenty of lists out there that will clue you in on the best spots around town, but the most important list you will read is this one.  Austin-Travis County EMS has created this safety list for those who are visiting our great city, and for our own citizens who may be traveling.

ATCEMS key travel tips and information:

First and foremost, know before you go!

  • A good start would be staying updated with what is happening around the city. You can follow us @ATCEMS on Twitter for real time, breaking news updates from Austin-Travis County EMS
  • It is important to pay attention to weather events as well (you can look for these using #ATXWX). Note that Texas has a high humidity rate in the summer, so the temperature may be misleading. Always pack appropriately for the climates you’ll be visiting and stay hydrated!

Let someone know where you will be, and what time you’re expected to return.

  • In case of an emergency, it is important that family and friends know where you are.  This includes giving them the address and phone number of the hotel you are staying.

Have a plan and familiarize yourself with the city as much as possible.

  • You should have a map of Austin, like this one, that includes hotel locations, transportation services, tour information, restaurants, and more so you can be organized. It also allows you to search for spots near you!

How do you plan to get around the city?

  • Austin may feel like a small college town, but it is a big place. Check local bus routes and parking information so you can get around like a pro.

Know where the local hospitals are located.

  • No one wants to have to use them, but unfortunately, we usually don’t have a choice in the matter. Be aware of the location of the hospital that you would go to in an emergency.

Know the emergency, non-emergency, and information numbers at your destination.

  • Call 9-1-1 in an emergency, use 3-1-1 for non-emergencies. You can use 2-1-1 for other resource related information such as health care or disaster information. These numbers apply only to the city of Austin. If you are in another city, check for the numbers used in that area once you arrive.

Peace of mind is essential too. ATCEMS has at least 38 ambulances in operation around the county at any given time. If you are in town for a special event, there will likely be more on-duty. If all else fails, know that we always have your back!