Berkman Drive from East 51st Street to US 290 is being studied for safety and mobility improvements. The Austin Transportation Department (ATD) conducted a community listening session on April 18, 2016, as well as a planning charrette on June 30, 2016. A summary of comments received from the community at both events, as well as via email and phone correspondence, is available here.

The next step will be for ATD staff to develop a concept that addresses feedback received within the scope of the resources available for this project. Once this design has been prepared, a third meeting will be scheduled to obtain feedback on the proposed design. 

If you have questions or comments, please email or call or call Nathan Wilkes at or 512-974-7016.

Figure 1 – Existing Conditions on Berkman Drive at Briarcliff Boulevard

A photo of Berkman Drive with two vehicle lanes, a left-turn lane and a bicycle lane.

Figure 2 – Exhibits at the second listening session for Berkman Drive provided context and helped collect feedback

A gymnasium filled with people and presentation materials.

Figure 3 – Citizens discuss their experiences on the street around a large printout of Berkman Drive

People standing and talking on either side of a long table covered with papers..