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Because we are all limiting face to face contact, many of the services you use may be closed or only meeting by phone/online. Learn more about how agencies across the city are providing services during the COVID-19 response. 

Note: Hunger and Hygiene resources are listed here

Answers to frequently asked questions about encampments. 

Homelessness is a complicated issue, in addition to all of the different federal programs, there are different definitions and methods for measuring the number of people experiencing homelessness. This glossary has several terms related to homelessness and homelessness services. These terms may be helpful when viewing Austin’s Homelessness Dashboard.

What do we know about homelessness in Austin? A lot, actually! While homelessness is a complex issue, information from reliable sources can help us understand more about what’s happening and what we can do to create a community where everyone thrives.

City staff work every day on programs and with partners to help those experiencing homelessness. Here are City of Austin Programs working to prevent and solve Homelessness.

The City and our partners want to help those who are renting or in a home access the help needed to stay there. In addition to pre-existing safety net programs, new efforts are in place to prevent people from becoming homeless.

With businesses closing down and people staying distant or home, it is harder than ever to meet your needs in Austin. The City and nonprofit partners are working together to help everyone get food and hygiene resources to stay well and safe during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Information about Cold Weather Shelters is always available at 512-305-ICEE(4233).