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Service Online Phone Contact

Development Process Team

The Development Process Team helps homeowners and small businesses navigate the development process. The Development Process Team answers questions about permits and City code, connects customers with technical experts across the City, and offers helpful tools and resources for customers who may be less familiar with the permitting and development process. 

512-974-1040 Development Services

Diabetes education and prevention classes

Learn about free nutrition or diabetes education classes, available at locations throughout Travis County.


Drainage concerns and maintenance

Call 3-1-1 to report flooding, erosion and other drainage problems such as debris blocking the flow of water in a creek, a clogged inlet or culvert, standing water in a pond (for more than 72 hours) or high vegetation.

3-1-1 Austin 3-1-1

Drainage easement releases

Do you have a drainage easement on your property that you would like released? Please email us with a request for information before submitting an application. It may save you money. Applications are on the  Development Services Department’s Land Management webpage.

512-974-1759 Watershed Protection