Providing uncomplicated access to City services and information
Our City's All Day, Any Day, Info Center
When you dial 3-1-1, your call is answered by a friendly and knowledgeable City of Austin ambassador. Our ambassadors are always ready to answer any question, or assist with any issue you may have regarding City of Austin departments or services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Dial 3-1-1 or 512-974-2000.
Social Media
We want to share more information about Austin 3-1-1 with you. Connect with us on Facebook. We are also on Twitter and Instagram!
Austin 3-1-1 Mobile App
On the go and need to report an issue to the City of Austin? Download the Austin 3-1-1 mobile app today! You can report potholes, graffiti, loose dogs, and much more with just a few clicks. You can even snap a picture to include with your request. Download the app by going to Google Play or the App Store and searching Austin 311.
You can also check the status of your mobile app Service Request or see other requests that have been submitted through the app.
Click here to make a report on ireportaustin.com - the Austin Police Department's incident reporting system for non-emergency incidents.
Online Service Request
Quickly and easily complete a Service Request online for many City of Austin services.
You can also check the status of any 3-1-1 Service Request.
We want to hear what you have to say. To share a concern, comment or compliment about Austin 3-1-1 send us an email by clicking the link here or email austin311@austintexas.gov