
The resources on this page provide helpful information to our customers, including fees, neighborhood assistance, and understanding the development process.

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Code Compliance in the Community

Here are ways to connect with us to stay informed and gain support on keeping your home and surroundings safe.

Code Connect

DSD Code Connect is a program that allows residents to contact Development Services Department personnel who can help with general DSD service questions, provide resource guidance, refer to appropriate work groups, and give updates on cases and processes.

Common Code Violations

Learn about common code violations and how the City of Austin codes and ordinances protect our health and safety.

Community Tree Resources

A healthy urban forest takes a community of stewards working together to preserve and protect. Residents, neighborhoods, educators, and families play as big a role as City officials. Find ways you can get involved.

Development Process

Development in the City of Austin begins with your vision for using a piece of property. While each project is unique and has its own considerations, the information on this page broadly explains the general steps in the City's development process.

DSD Code Compliance Resources

This list of community resources is available to help Austin residents resolve potential hazards. 

DSD Stakeholder & Community Engagement

View past editions and subscribe to Building Connections (Development Services newsletter), find upcoming Development Services stakeholder engagement meetings and events, and view recordings and presentation materials from past meetings on the page.




View fee schedules for the current fiscal year (October 1 to September 30), City of Austin budget resources, and past fee studies.

Fiscal Surety

The Fiscal Surety Office accepts, monitors, and releases fiscal surety payments for improvements to environmental, health, safety controls, and public infrastructure. 

Forms & Applications

View applications, checklists, and associated packets for the Development Services Department.

Frequently Asked Questions - DSD

A collection of answers to common Development Services Department questions. 

Frequently Asked Questions - Code Compliance

A collection of answers to common DSD Code Compliance questions. 

Homeowner and Small Business Owner Process Support

The Development Process Team provides information about the development process to homeowners and small business owners, offering a single point of contact for the duration of your project and helping to connect you with the right resources at every step.

How to Select a Contractor

Our recommended process guide to selecting your contractor. 



Kid's Activity Guide

DSD's kid's activity guide, "Building Austin with Development Services," features coloring pages and games to teach kids about the department and the development process.



Mold and Rental Housing

If you live in a rental property and have issues that contribute to mold, DSD Code Compliance may be able to assist. Rental properties include apartments, duplexes, townhomes, or houses.

Neighborhood Assistance Center

The Neighborhood Assistance Center (NAC) provides educational resources and information about the City of Austin’s Development Services Department (DSD) for non-applicant community members. The NAC helps facilitate communication between residents, community members, neighborhood stakeholders, and other departments within the City of Austin.

Notice of Violation

When a code inspector confirms a code violation, they issue a Notice of Violation (NOV). The Notice of Violation includes the list of violations found, the corrective actions needed, and a timeline. 

Process Flowcharts

These flowcharts serve as a guide to help you better understand the development and permitting process.   




Reports including Customer Satisfaction Poll Results, Demolition Report, Success Metrics, and Blueprint of Change.

Safe at Home

Many Austin residents live in rental properties, including apartments or duplexes. If a rental home has unresolved maintenance issues, it could be a code violation but, most importantly, pose a safety risk for tenants or neighbors. 

Safe and Sound

The DSD Code Compliance winter outreach initiative, Safe & Sound, highlights seasonal safety concerns and common code violations. By understanding the risks and taking steps to prevent or address them, we can all stay safe and sound this winter.

Spring Cleaning

Here are some important codes and resources to keep our homes and neighborhoods safe and clean.

Summer Ready

Enjoy this season without dealing with pests and hazards. Join the Summer Ready campaign for a safe summer season!

Tree Contacts Across the City

Maintaining a healthy community forest is a team effort. Many departments across the City provide services related to trees. Use the directory to find the right contact to address your question or concern. 

Tree Information Center

Austin’s urban forest is made up of trees, vegetation, and other components that are invaluable to the well-being and identity of our community. Explore and learn more about this growing resource.