The City of Austin's Neighborhood Centers help families in need with free services like food help, job search help, health screenings, bus passes, and more.

Services at Neighborhood Centers

To find out about our free services, please contact the Neighborhood Center closest to you.

Six neighborhood centers are located in North, East, and South Austin.

Rosewood Zaragosa Neighborhood Center -- Central East Austin (temporarily closed for repairs)
Directions: 2800 Webberville Road, Austin, TX 78702
Phone: 512-972-6740

South Austin Neighborhood Center -- South Austin (temporarily closed for repairs)
Directions: 2508 Durwood Street, Austin, TX 78704
Phone: 512-972-6840

St. John Community Center -- Northeast Austin
Directions: 7500 Blessing Avenue, Austin, TX 78752
Phone: 512-972-5159

East Austin Neighborhood Center -- East Austin
Directions: 211 Comal Street, Austin, TX 78702
Phone: 512-972-6650

Montopolis Community Center -- Southeast Austin
Directions: 1200 Montopolis Drive, Austin, TX 78741
Phone: 512-972-6705

Blackland Neighborhood Center -- Central East Austin (temporarily closed for repairs)
Directions: 2005 Salina Street, Austin, TX 78722
Phone: 512-972-5790

Events at Neighborhood Centers

Scan the QR code to see our upcoming events. Or download the September 2024 Event Calendar (4.2MB).

Embedded Image (Resized) QR Code Food-HUBS

Rent and utility help

Due to high demand and limited funding available, the rent and utility assistance program is currently closed. For rent and utility assistance, you may call 2-1-1 to find other resources. If you need other assistance such as food, clothing, formula, or diapers please call your local Neighborhood Center. 

Requirements for rent and utility help
  • Must be experiencing a financial crisis.
  • Must be a resident of Austin/Travis County.
  • Must be a renter with your name on lease or contract.
  • Rent/utility bill must be PAST DUE in order to receive help.
  • Household income must be at or below 200% Federal Poverty Income Guidelines (FPIG). (See table, 18.2KB)
  • Must have proof of recent crisis or financial trouble causing you to need help with your bills.
    • Examples may include but are not limit to:
      • Losing a job or having fewer hours
      • Medical bills, sickness
      • A member leaving the household
      • New family or household members
      • Funeral expenses
  • Please review the Document Checklist (270KB) to see what needs to be submitted.

All requests must go through the Rent & Utility line. Call 512-972-5780.

Need Help?

Please contact the Neighborhood Center closest to you for help and information about services.