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Adopt a pet

Looking to add a new pet to your family? Austin Animal Center has more than 500 animals every day in need of loving homes.

Adopt a pet

Our shelter has more than 500 available cats and dogs every day, so we’re sure to have the right pet for your family. At Austin Animal Center, you can find all breeds, ages, and personality types. 

3-1-1 Animal Services

AFD permits

The Austin Fire Department is responsible for issuing several different kinds of permits


Apply for a chauffeur permit

A chauffeur permit allows a person to drive a vehicle-for-hire, like a taxi cab or a shuttle bus. Learn how to apply for and renew a chauffeur permit in Austin.

Apply for a City job

Join our team! Here’s everything you need to apply for a job with the City of Austin. 

Apply for a City job

Join our team! Here’s everything you need to apply for a job with the City of Austin. 

512-974-3210 Human Resources

Apply for a residential building permit

The City of Austin helps homeowners ensure compliance with applicable City and building codes when they build, demolish, remodel, or perform any construction in the City of Austin and when planning special events.

Apply for a short-term rental license

Learn how to apply for and renew a short-term rental (STR) license in Austin.

Apply for a vehicle immobilization (booting) service license

The City of Austin regulates booting within City limits. Apply for a vehicle immobilization service license to allow your company to boot vehicles that violate parking regulations.

Apply for an alarm permit

The City of Austin requires an alarm permit for each alarm system activated in a residence or commercial space within the Austin Police Department’s jurisdiction. We must receive an application before the alarm system is enabled. Learn how to submit your application.

Apply for an alcoholic beverage permit

Businesses applying for a liquor license/beer permit from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) must get the City Clerk's signature on their TABC form after completing the permitting process.

Apply for an operating authority license

Operating authority licenses cover all vehicle-for-hire services. A vehicle for hire is a vehicle providing private transport or shared transport for a fee, in which passengers are generally free to choose where they start and where they are going (not including rideshares). Learn how to apply for, renew, or update an operating authority license.

Apply for Austin Fire Department permits

Austin Fire Department and the Fire Marshall issue several permits related to public assemblies, hazardous materials, and more.

Apply for cultural arts funding

The Economic Development Department’s Cultural Arts Funding Program supports cultural arts programs for the Austin community by contracting with arts organizations for specific services. Apply for our latest grant opportunities.

Apply for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise and Airport Concession Disadvantaged Enterprise (ACDBE) is a certification for small, minority- and/or women-owned businesses that are socially or economically disadvantaged.

A DBE/ACDBE certification increases opportunities for individuals wanting to do business with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and other State agencies receiving federal funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration.

512-974-7645 Small and Minority Business

Apply for energy efficiency rebates

Are you a homeowner, resident, large or small business owner, or a property manager? Austin Energy offers rebates and incentives that help lower bills and increase energy savings.

512-482-5346 Austin Energy

Apply for Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) certification

An MBE/WBE certification increases opportunities for socially disadvantaged individuals wanting to do business with the City of Austin.

Apply for Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) certification

Minority and Women Business Enterprise is a certification for businesses that are owned, controlled and operated by an ethnic minority or woman.

A MBE/WBE certification increases opportunities for individuals wanting to do business with the City of Austin. Ethnic Minorities include: African American, Hispanic, Asian American/Pacific Islander and Native American.

512-974-7645 Small and Minority Business

Apply for the Family Business Loan Program

Our mission is to enable existing local businesses to expand and create jobs, revitalize communities, increase the tax base of the City of Austin, and enhance the overall quality of life for Austin residents.

Apply to be a review panelist for cultural grants

We invite community members and arts professionals to join our roster of potential panelists, who will review, score, and determine which applicants receive funding through various programs. Submitting this form does not guarantee participation.