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Women's Circle

Join us to share in plática (heart-centered conversation), self-care practices, and canto (song). This is a time to connect with others, nurture yourself, and refill your cup under the light of the full moon.
Feel free to bring flowers to add to the circle and/or a snack to share.
Pre-registration requested by Wednesday, January 8 for January date. Please email Lorie Martinez at maccwellness@austintexas.gov.
Participa en plática (conversación centrada sobre el corazón), prácticas de autocuidado y canto. Este es un momento para conectar con los otros, nutrirte a ti mismo, y llenar tu copa bajo la luz de la luna llena.
Pre-registro solicitado antes de Lunes, 8 de enero para la fecha en enero. Por favor envíe un email a Lorie Martinez a maccwellness@austintexas.gov.


Center for Arts and Healing
10202 Wommack Rd
Austin, TX 78748
United States

Lorie Martinez