Disposal All excess, unused, or unneeded flammable or combustible liquids and chemicals should be disposed of at the Hazardous Waste Disposal Collection Center. To use this facility one must:
- be a resident of the City of Austin
- bring a current utility bill
To contact the Hazardous Waste Disposal Center call (512) 974-4343 or click here to link to the Center's website.
Storage Many households contain a variety of chemicals that residents may not realize actually are types of hazardous materials, such as chlorine, paint, muriatic acid, ammonia, fertilizers and pesticides. Many chemicals fall into the flammable or combustible category, which means an ignition source could present a problem. These chemicals are stored in a number of places around the house. The garage, which is one of the more common places to find chemicals, also usually contains the water heater. Proper storage of chemicals, such as in metal or wooden cabinets, is essential. Locking up chemicals in a separate storage facility will eliminate the possibility of access by children.
Flammable and Combustible Liquids All flammable liquids (flashpoint under 100 degrees Fahrenheit) and combustible liquids (flashpoint over 100 degrees Fahrenheit) should be held in approved containers and properly stored.
- Ignition sources should be kept away from all flammables and combustibles. Ignition sources include any appliance with a pilot light, glow-plug, electric motor, open flame, or sparks from arcing.
- If at all possible, flammables and combustibles should not be stored in garages that are attached directly to a dwelling.
- Ventilation and the avoidance of heat build-up in a storage area should be maintained and ensured for safety and prevention of possible ignitions or explosions.
Caustics Caustics are defined as: "capable of burning, corroding, dissolving, or eating away by chemical action." By definition alone it dictates that special attention should be given to these substances. These items need to be stored out of the reach of children and in proper containers. Many chemicals are defined as caustics and special instructions apply to their use and storage. Read the instructions carefully when using or storing and be aware that these substances can degrade quickly and easily, compounding the problem of a spill, leak or misuse. Improper mixing of these substances can result in a destructive, if not fatal, outcome.