The Austin Fire Department’s #LetsGetRealATX campaign is designed to bring awareness to a variety of fire- and life-safety issues we continually deal with in our community. Most, if not all, are issues the fire service as a whole struggles with: improperly discarded smoking materials, having an escape plan, pulling to the right for first responders, etc. Generally speaking, public service messages tend to be rather dry and boring, so we’re doing things a little differently!
Welcome to AFD Explorers Post 370!
The Austin Fire Department (AFD) is proud to partner with the Capitol Area Council: Boy Scouts of America to bring the AFD Explorers Post 370 to the community!
Meetings: Members of our post meet during the school year. In addition to regular session meetings, there will be volunteer opportunities.
Ages: AFD Explorers Post 370 is a co-ed program open to those 14 through 20 years of age.
Fire safety is of critical importance; fires can strike anywhere at any time. Follow these fire safety tips to ensure that your home and family remain safe, and that you have a quick method of escape from a dangerous fire situation
The Austin Fire Department supports Fire Hydrant Reporting, Testing and Processing of Hydrant Flow Test Requests.
Nearly 4,000 Americans die every year in residential fires. Smoke alarms can provide your family with crucial early warning time to get out of the house quickly before toxic fumes accumulate to lethal levels. A working smoke alarm can double your chance of surviving a fire in the home.
The Austin Fire Department is an active member of the Travis County LEPC. The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) carries out those responsibilities required pursuant to Public Law 99-499, Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 ("EPCRA") and related regulations.
Pass the Torch provides participants with an opportunity to learn about the fire service and emergency medical services in a safe, controlled learning environment during weekend sessions over approximately three months. The program. which is taught by experienced Austin Fire Department (AFD) firefighters, is designed to provide participants with a preview of the Austin Fire Department Academy and increase awareness about career opportunities in fire service.
The Austin Fire Department's (AFD) Peer Support Team (PST) assists AFD employees with significant life issues and/or potentially traumatic events. PST members are available 24/7/365 to be a listening ear and/or suggest local, regional, state, and national behavioral health resources.
Created in remembrance of fallen Fire Cadet Devon Coney, who passed away in the summer of 2018. the Red Angels Program is comprised of AFD firefighters and licensed nurses from area medical facilities who go door-to-door offering free in-home safety and wellness visits.