Frequently Asked Questions
Fire Building Code
Report these violations to Emergency Prevention at (512) 974-0153 option 3. A fire inspector will be dispatched to investigate.
All types of structures, except State and Federal buildings, and single-family homes.
The City of Austin is using the 2015 edition of the International Fire Code. Please refer to our Fire Marshal’s page for additional information.
Fire Cadet Hiring Process
We anticipate taking applications again during spring 2026. Applications will not be available to fill out until that time. Please continue to visit www.JoinAFD.com for more information or email the Austin Fire Department Recruiting Division at FireRecruiting@austintexas.gov or call the Recruiting Division at 512-974-0292 or 1-800-832-5264.
For the latest information regarding applying to the Austin Fire Department, please visit www.JoinAFD.com. The site includes AFD Recruiting events, news, and application information and requirements.
Fire Inspections
Information concerning the various types of Inspections performed by the Austin Fire Department, including pre-inspection checklists, can be found on our Types of Inspections page. We encourage you to visit this site and review the materials to ensure that you are ready for your inspection, prior to scheduling.
Schedule an inspection
Phone: (512) 974-0153 option 3
Hours: M-F 8:00 AM – 1 PM.
Open burning in the City of Austin requires a permit from the Fire Marshal's Office. Any Open Burning without a permit is prohibited, and may result in a citation. This includes the burning of trash, rubbish, yard clippings, tree trimmings, etc.
Open Burning is defined in the Fire Code as:
“… The burning of materials wherein products of combustion are emitted directly into the ambient air without passing through a stack or chimney from an enclosed chamber. Open burning does not include road flares, smudgepots and similar devices associated with safety or occupational uses typically considered open flames or recreational fires. For the purpose of this definition, a chamber shall be regarded as enclosed when, during the time combustion occurs, only apertures, ducts, stacks, flues or chimneys necessary to provide combustion air and permit the escape of exhaust gas are open.”
Recreational Fires are defined in the Fire Code as:
“An outdoor fire burning materials other than rubbish where the fuel being burned is not contained in an incinerator, outdoor fireplace, barbeque grill or barbeque pit and has a total fuel area of 3 feet (914 mm) or less in diameter and 2 feet (610 mm) or less in height for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, cooking, warmth or similar purposes.”
Requirements for Recreational Ground Fires and Portable Outdoor Fireplaces.
The Emergency Prevention Division conducts “Night Inspections” to handle the overcrowding issues at Austin’s bars and nightclubs. The Night Inspection Program consists of teams of inspectors who visit various establishments during the peak hours on weekend nights. They count patrons at the establishments and compare the actual persons present with the legally allowed “occupant load.” They also check items such as exits and lighting for fire code compliance. If the bar exceeds its occupant load, then the management is subject to fines for the violation.
Fireworks Permit
The U.S. Department of Transportation does not classify the following items listed as common fireworks, and their use is allowed within the City of Austin:
- Snake, GlowWorms – Pressed pellet of pyrotechnic composition that produces a large, snakelike ash upon burning. The ash expands in length as the pellet burns. These devices may not contain mercuric thiocyanate.
- Smoke Device – Tube or sphere containing pyrotechnic composition that, upon ignition, produces white or colored smoke as the primary effect.
- Wire Sparkler – Wire coated with pyrotechnic composition that produces a shower of sparks upon ignition. These items may not contain magnesium and must not exceed 100g of composition per item. Devices containing any chlorate or perchlorate salts may not exceed 5g of composition per item.
- Trick Noisemaker – Item produces a small report intended to surprise the user. These devices include:
- Party Popper – Small plastic or paper item containing not more than 16mg of explosive composition that is friction-sensitive. A string protruding from the device is pulled to ignite it, expelling paper streams and producing a small report.
- Booby Trap – Small tube with string protruding from both ends, similar to a party popper in design. The ends of the string are pulled to ignite the friction-sensitive composition, producing a small report.
- Snapper – Small, paper-wrapped item containing a minute quantity of explosive composition coated on small bits of sand. When dropped, the device explodes, producing a small report.
- Trick Match – Kitchen or book match that has been coated with a small quantity of explosive or pyrotechnic composition. Upon ignition of the match, a small report or a shower of sparks is produced.
- Cigarette Load – Small wooden peg that has been coated with a small quantity of explosive or pyrotechnic composition. Upon ignition of the match, a small report or a shower of sparks is produced.
- Auto Burglar Alarm – A tube which contains pyrotechnic composition that produces a loud whistle and/or smoke when ignited. A small quantity of explosive, not exceeding 50mg, also may be used to produce a small report. A squib is used to ignite the device.
**While no permit is required for the devices above, users should follow all of the Manufacturer’s safety, handling, and storage recommendations and these devices should always be used in a safe outdoor location.
Fireworks can cause serious injury and significant property damage. As a result, it is illegal to possess or use fireworks inside the City limits unless a permit has been issued by the AFD Special Events Division. Individuals who choose to violate that law may receive a citation and face a fine of up to $2,000.
Report use of illegal fireworks to Austin 3-1-1. Call 9-1-1 to report active fires or medical emergencies.
A permit along with the following is required in order to promote or execute a commercial or consumer firework display within the City of Austin:
- A site plan of the grounds where the display is to be held must be submitted and approved by AFD Emergency Prevention.
- A copy of a pyrotechnic operator license issued by a State Fire Marshal’s Office (Commercial only).
- A list of the fireworks to be used along with an MSDS for each (Commercial Only). Consumer Displays are restricted to ground devices containing 50mg or less of explosive composition and smoke devices classed as explosive 1.4G, firecrackers and small smoke bombs only.
- A certificate of insurance must be obtained for a minimum of $1,000,000 bodily injury and $500,000 property damage if the display is aerial in nature. Non-aerial displays must have a certificate of insurance for a minimum of $500,000 bodily injury and $300,000 property damage insurance. The City of Austin must be named as co-insured on the policy.
- A $200 permit fee and permit application form from the Austin Fire Department is required.
- A public display permit must be obtained from the State Fire Marshal’s Office. (Commercial only).
All information must be submitted for aerial fireworks at least 30 days prior to scheduled event, and for flame effect, open flame performances, etc., at least 14 days prior to scheduled event, for review and approval. The public display must meet all State of Texas requirements as outlined in Article 5.43-4 Insurance Code and Firework rules. This booklet is available from the Texas State Fire Marshal’s Office.
The following expenses are the responsibility of the fireworks contractor or pyrotechnic operator (if required):
- Apparatus Standby Fee
- Firewatch Inspector Fee
Actual fee amounts will be determined based on event specifics.
For a fireworks display permit email afdspecialevents@austintexas.gov.
It is illegal to use or sell fireworks within the City of Austin.
Prescribed Burn Permitting
This depends on location and complexity of the burn. For coordination purposes, the Conversion IC will be on-site and accessible to the Burn Boss, at a minimum.
Yes, if coordinated in advance with the Austin Fire Department and able to fulfill the Conversion staffing plan.
Through the Complexity analysis and pre-planning process.
Every effort will be made to support the prescribed burn operation. Although in rare instances, burns may be required to be rescheduled due to extenuating circumstances.
Familiartiy wihth the Prescribed Burn Plan, Pre-Incident Plan and ensure effective communication is established and maintained with the Burn Boss throughout the operations.
Structural exposures, access, water supply, terrain, fuel type and conditions proximity to additional resources and anticipated weather variables.
The Austin Fire Department will make the recommendations of appropriate resources through the pre-planning process. The Incident Commander will reserve the right to adjust resources based on day-of burn special considerations or conditions.
The conversion of a prescribed fire will be dteremined objectively through the pre-identified Management Action Points, which are communicated in the burn plan and agreed upon during theprescribed burn briefing by the Burn Boss and Incident Commander.
The Austin Fire Department will develop pre-incident plans and determine appropriate resources necessary to support the pre-incident plan.