This is a subpage of the Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint (Web) that provides materials to view and understand the plan. 

Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint

The City’s Strategic Housing Blueprint helps align resources and facilitate community partnerships around a single, strategic vision to ensure that there is affordable housing throughout the city.

The plan identifies funding sources, potential regulations, and other creative approaches the City of Austin should utilize to achieve housing goals--including the creation of 60,000 affordable units over the coming decade for households earning approximately $60,000 or less per year--in line with Imagine Austin (Web).

The Blueprint identified five community values to guide the process, including:

  • Prevent households from being priced out of Austin
  • Foster equitable, integrated, and diverse communities
  • Invest in housing for those most in need
  • Create new and affordable housing choices for all Austinites in all parts of Austin
  • Help Austinites reduce their household costs

Download the Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint (PDF)

Download the Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint Appendix E (Community Outreach) (PDF)

Download Blueprint Housing Goals by Council District and Transit Corridor (PDF)

Strategic Housing Blueprint Briefing Book

At the direction of the Austin City Council, an Interdepartmental Action Team has drafted a Strategic Housing Blueprint Briefing Book to identify the specific steps and resources necessary to achieve the specific goals of the Housing Blueprint in Resolution No. 20170413-024 (Web), and strategies for affordable housing preservation to avoid significant loss of existing affordable housing in Resolution No. 20170413-025 (Web).

Copies of the draft Strategic Housing Blueprint Briefing Book and supporting materials are available for download, below:

Draft Strategic Housing Blueprint Implementation Briefing Book (PDF)

Draft Strategic Housing Blueprint Implementation Briefing Book, Appendices A Through B (PDF)

Draft Strategic Housing Blueprint Implementation Briefing Book, Appendices C Through I (PDF)

Strategic Housing Blueprint Implementation Blueprint Presentation (PDF)