Deep Eddy Pool

401 Deep Eddy Ave, Austin, TX. 78705

Hotline:  (512) 974-1189

Phone:  (512) 472-8546

Status: Open

Deep Eddy Pool is an historic, man-made swimming pool and is the oldest swimming pool in Texas. In 1915, A.J. Eilers, Sr. bought the land surrounding the swimming hole and built the concrete pool.  The pool gets its name from an eddy formed by a large boulder in a popular swimming area on the river. Cold springs rose from the river banks next to this popular swimming area and the water from these springs continue to fill the pool today. 

Apply to be a lifeguard at

March 9th 2024 to October 31 2024

8:00 am to 8:00 pm Lap Swim

10:00 am to 8:00pm Recreational Swim


8:00 am to 8:00 pm Lap Swim

10:00 am to 8:00 pm Recreational Swim

*Deep Eddy is closed the first Tuesday of every month.

November 1st 2024 to March 14th 2024

9:00 am to 7:30 pm Lap Swim

10:00 am to 7:30pm Recreational Swim


9:00 am to 7:00 pm Lap Swim

10:00 am to 7:00 pm Recreational Swim

*Deep Eddy is closed the first Tuesday of every month.

**Recreational pool closed until March 15th 2025

Holiday Hours:

Thanksgiving: closed

Christmas eve: open until 4pm

Christmas day: closed

New Year’s Eve: open until 4pm

New Year’s Day: closed


Admission Cost:   Deep Eddy Pool is currently charging fees

Accessibility Details: Chair Lift, ADA Stairs, Zero-depth entry

Pool Depth:  Zero depth to 4 feet shallow side, 4 to 8 foot deep side 

Pool Size: 33 yards, 8 lanes (deep side)

Features: Recreational pool, Zero depth

Amenities:  Picnic Tables (no food allowed downstairs), Changing Area, Outdoor Showers


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