Frequently Asked Questions
- What services does the laboratory provide?
The laboratory provides accredited services within the Crime Scene, Firearms/Toolmarks, Latent Prints, Seized Drugs, and Toxicology sections. For more information about the specific types of testing, please see the current accreditation certificate and scope here.
Additional support services include multi-media resources and polygraph examiner support.
- Is the Austin Forensic Science Department an accredited laboratory?
Yes, the laboratory is accredited by ANAB as a forensic testing laboratory to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 international standard. The current accreditation certificate and scope are available here.
- What are the minimum qualifications for positions within the Forensic Science Department?
Job descriptions, minimum requirements and salary ranges are dependent on the specific positions. Please see the job descriptions at the following link for details for specific positions.
- Does the laboratory have internship opportunities?
Yes, internships are available after a perfunctory background check is performed. Acceptance into the internship program is granted only through management approval if specific requirements are met. Please see all forms and information regarding these programs at the Internship Programs pages.
- Does the laboratory provide tours?
The laboratory does on occasion allow tours of the facility depending on the activities of the laboratory at the time of the request and the available resources to support a tour. Tours should be requested via e-mail. In the request please provide the groups, number of attendees, purpose and possible dates. It is best to request a tour at least 60 days in advance.
- Does the laboratory provide training or presentations to the public?
The laboratory does support outside functions depending on the activities of the laboratory at the time of the request and the available support resources. Requests for support should be made via e-mail. In the request please provide the group name, number of attendees, purpose/format and dates. It is best to submit a request at least 60 days in advance.