Development Notifications

The City of Austin regulates the Notice of Filing of Applications provided under Austin City Code, Chapter 25-1 - General Requirements and Procedures, Section 25-1-132 (Notice of Public Hearing) through Section 25-1-133 (Notice of Applications and Administrative Decisions). This page serves as a hub for the online posting of eligible notifications.

What you will find on this page:

decorativeWhat is a Notice of Filing of Applications?

A notice of filing is a letter sent to notify property owners, utility account holders, and neighborhood organizations residing within a 500-foot radius of a particular site that the City of Austin has officially received an application for a Site Plan or Rezoning Development.

decorativeWhat cases are eligible for notification?

Categories of cases eligible for notifications as outlined in Austin City Code, Chapter 25-1, "General Requirements and Procedures," spanning from Section 25-1-132 (Public Hearing Notification) to Section 25-1-133 (Application and Administrative Decision Notification).

decorativeWho is eligible to receive a mailed notice?
  • Applicant 
  • Owner of real property located within 500 feet of the subject property
  • Registered environmental or neighborhood organization whose declared boundaries are within 500 feet of the site of the proposed development
  • Utility account addresses located within 500 feet of the site of the proposed development, as shown in the city utility records on the date of the filing of the application
decorativeDemolition Notifications

The City of Austin requires an applicant to give notice of demolition to certain adjacent structures. Visit the Demolition Permit webpage to learn how to have Demolition Notifications sent to your email address. You can also learn more about  Ordinance No 20201001-040 and Austin City Code Section 25-11-37 (Demolition Permit Requirements).

decorativeContact Us

If you have an inquiry regarding the case mentioned in the notice, please reach out to the Case Manager whose details are provided on the notice.

Contact the Notifications team: