Citizenship Clinics


Apply for U.S. Citizenship! Spring 2025 Information Sessions & Citizenship Clinic Dates 

Please plan to attend an information session before going to the Citizenship Clinic. If you have any questions or need any accommodations, please contact Rocío Villalobos via email at or phone (512-974-7972).

Looking for documents to download for the Citizenship Clinic? 👇🏽

👉🏾 View and download the N400 Personal Information Worksheet/Hoja de Información Personal here

👉🏾 View and download a list of What to Bring to the Citizenship Clinic/Lo Que Necesita Traer Al Taller here 


2025 Citizenship Clinic Dates

Spring 2025 Citizenship Clinics + 

Information Sessions

Fall 2025 Citizenship Clinics + 

Information Sessions

Information session dates coming soon!  Information session dates coming soon! 

Citizenship Clinic: Saturday, April 12th, 2025

Location: Asian American Resource Center, 8401 Cameron Rd, Austin, TX 78754

Time: 9am to 2pm

Citizenship Clinic: September 13th, 2025

Location: Asian American Resource Center, 8401 Cameron Rd, Austin, TX 78754

Time: 9am to 2pm

Citizenship & English Classes

Looking for English (ESL) classes to help you with your citizenship interview? The Austin Public Library offers ESL classes at several library locations. Check the schedule for English classes here. 

Get help with your Civics Exam! The Austin Public Library and the City of Austin's Equity Office have partnered with the LBJ Presidential Library and the Citizenship Project from the New York Historical Society to provide Citizenship Classes. These classes will help participants gain a foundation for the 100 civics questions that are on the citizenship exam. The Citizenship Classes will help participants prepare for their citizenship interview by practicing reading, recognizing vocabulary, and writing. 

👉🏾Learn more and sign up by visiting the The Citizenship Project Registration form here. Spring 2025 Citizenship classes start on January 29th, 2025! Missed the first day? Reach out to us at or call 512-974-7972 to talk with RocÍo Villalobos about registering.

👉🏾Registrarse a

👉🏾See other civics class offerings from the Austin Public Library here


Citizenship Classes

Clases de Ciudadania

The Citizenship Project and the New York Historical Society Museum and Library Present: Citizenship Classes in Spanish. What will I learn during the citizenship classes? Develop a foundation in the 100 civics questions on the citizenship exam. You will also prepare for your citizenship interview by practicing: reading, recognizing vocabulary, writing. Join the Winter 2025 Cohort: University Hills Branch Library, 4721 Loyala Ln, Wednesday, 5pm-7pm, January 29 to March 5. *Class taught in Spanish. Learn more at Sponsored by Austin Public Library, LBJ Presidential Library, City of Austin Office of Equity and Inclusion., ADA Accommodations: 512-974-7400, El Proyecto de Ciudadanía y el Museo y Biblioteca de la Sociedad Histórica de Nueva York presentan: Clases de ciudadanía en español. ¿Qué aprenderé durante las clases de ciudadanía? Desarrollar una base en las 100 preguntas de educación cívica del examen de ciudadanía. También te prepararás para tu entrevista de ciudadanía practicando: lectura, reconocimiento de vocabulario, escritura. Únase al grupo de invierno de 2025: Biblioteca sucursal de University Hills, 4721 Loyala Ln, miércoles, 5 p. m. a 7 p. m., del 29 de enero al 5 de marzo. *Clase impartida en español. Obtenga más información en Patrocinado por by Austin Public Library, LBJ Presidential Library, City of Austin Office of Equity and Inclusion., ADA Accommodations: 512-974-7400,
Know Your Rights | Conoce tus derechos: Zoom Events on Feb. 12 and Feb. 13 at 6pm!

Know Your Rights When Interacting with the Police


Register for a KYR/Know Your Rights Event

  • Option 1: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 at 6pm on Zoom (presentation in English with Spanish interpretation) REGISTER HERE
  • Option 2: Thursday, February 13th, 2025 at 6pm on Zoom (presentation in Spanish with interpretation in English) REGISTER HERE

As future events get scheduled, they will be posted here and on the Equity Office's Facebook page. For updates on community events such as upcoming Know Your Rights events, sign up here for our EAT (Equity Action Team) newsletter and for the Immigrant Affairs newsletter.

You can find more resources for our immigrant communities at

Know Your Rights, Virtual Zoom Event, Registration required at Wednesday Feb. 12 at 6pm with presentation in English and interpretation to Spanish; Thursday Feb. 13th at 6pm with presentation in Spanish and interpretation to English. Texas Immigration Law Council will explain some of the recent changes to immigration policy and what they mean for communities in Austin and the state of Texas. They will also explain how you can protect your rights when you encounter local law enforcement or immigration agencies. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilties Act (ADA). Reasonable accommodations and access to effective communication can be provided upon request. To make a request or if you have any questions, please contact: Rocio Villalobos, Voice: 512-974-7972--VRS: RelayTexas711. Sponsored by the City of Austin and Texas Immigration Law Council.


You always have rights when interacting with the police. The videos and information presented here are intended to educate the community, not provide legal advice. 

To see educational videos on interacting with the police, visit the Office of Police Oversight's website Know Your Rights When Interacting with the Police

You Have the Right To Remain Silent

If you are stopped by police, you may be asked to identify yourself. You should give your name, date of birth, and address, but you DO NOT need to answer any additional questions.

To exercise your right to remain silent at any time, you may say: "I wish to remain silent and not answer further questions."

You Do Not Have To Consent to a Search of Your Car

To search your vehicle without probable cause, a police officer must have your consent. You may say: "I do not consent to this search."

Do not attempt to stop an officer from completing their search.

You Have the Right To Leave if You Are Not Being Arrested or Detained

You may say, "Am I free to go?" If you are not being detained, you are free to leave.

Welcoming Cities Initiative

Austin is currently being considered for the title and recognition of being Certified Welcoming!

Read the January 5, 2024 memo on Making Austin a Certified Welcoming City. Certified Welcoming is a formal designation for local governments that have created policies and programs reflecting their values and commitment to immigrant inclusion

What is a Certified Welcoming City?  

Certified Welcoming is a formal designation for cities and counties that have created policies and programs reflecting their values and commitment to immigrant inclusion. This innovative program assesses city and county governments on their efforts to include and welcome immigrants in all areas of civic, social, and economic life in their communities.

With a Certified Welcoming designation, communities distinguish their local efforts, build a competitive advantage, and gain access to opportunities to share their welcoming practices on a regional, national, and global stage.

Visit the Certified Welcoming website to learn more!


Employment Authorization Assistance (Information applies to City of Austin employees only)--Under Construction: More information coming soon!

Please check back for more information! 

This website and information are being developed per Resolution Number 20231214-100, which requested "a policy to assist employees in seeking employment reauthorization or help with adjusting their immigration status, providing resources for employees to naturalize, providing legal support or other resources, and connecting employees with community resources to assist in navigating the US immigration system."

The City of Austin's DACA Liaison Officer is Rocio Villalobos. You can reach Rocio with questions at 512-974-7972 or by email at

You may also reach out to your HR representative for your department.