Each year, Art in Public Places announces public art opportunities to Austin-based artists, artists working throughout the U.S., and occasionally to artists working abroad. Learn more about the six phased process and panel opportunities.


The Art in Public Places process is implemented in six phases: 

  1. Project Discovery: AIPP staff collaborates with City Departments and other project stakeholders to determine artwork funding, project goals, and appropriate artwork location and siting. 
  2. Call for Artists: Based on preliminary engagement meetings, AIPP staff drafts the project scope and determines eligibility requirements for the Call for Artists, which is usually a Request for Qualifications. The Call for Artists is presented to the AIPP Panel and Arts Commission for review and approval before publishing. 
  3. Artist Selection: AIPP staff convenes a panel of arts professionals, community representatives, and project advisors to review artists' qualifications and to recommend artist(s) specific to each project. Recommended artists are reviewed and approved before contracting.
  4. Community Engagement: Selected artists conduct independent research and meet as often as needed with City (Sponsor) Department(s), AIPP staff, and constituent neighborhoods/communities to understand construction timelines and community priorities and values. 
  5. Design and Fabrication: AIPP staff works with the artist to develop the specifics of the Artwork, including the following: scale models, materials, detailed budget, timelines, construction documents (shop/structural drawings), and fabrication and installation methods. Fabrication can occur on or off-site and may include painting, construction, forming, assembly, machining, or manufacturing of Artwork parts and/or the final Artwork.
  6. Project Closeout: In an ongoing process, the artist, AIPP staff, and City Department(s) coordinate the delivery and installation of the Artwork at the specified site. The artist and staff inspect the installed Artwork and review the Artwork maintenance/conservation plan. City staff may undergo conservation training. Before the community celebration, AIPP Collection Management finalizes accessioning and receives the Artwork title.

City of Austin Insurance Requirements 

This document outlines the City of Austin's minimum insurance requirements for City contractors. Also provided is a checklist of requirements that artists can forward to their insurance provider. 


City of Austin Vendor Registration 

All artists doing business with the City are required to register as a Vendor with the City of Austin through the Purchasing Department's website. If you are currently registered as a vendor with the City, please update your registration profile as needed. Note that registration is not complete until the vendor has submitted a hard copy of his or her W-9 form to Purchasing. 

Panel and Advisory Opportunities


Artist Selection Panel Juror

For each project, a Jury of visual art professionals is established to make an artist/artwork selection recommendation. The Jury is comprised of 3-5 jurors, depending upon the size and complexity of the individual project. Compensation will be provided up to $500. 

No individual may serve more than once in any two-year period, to bring diversity to the selection process and more precisely match the expertise of the jury members to each project. Jurors are asked to review the Evaluation Criteria specific to each project prior to and during the Artist or Artwork selection process. Apply to serve as a juror on the Artist Selection Panel.


Art in Public Places Panel - Public Art Advisory Committee

The Art in Public Places Panel serves as the City’s public art advisory committee.  The AIPP Panel is a seven-member standing committee of volunteer visual arts professionals, appointed by the Arts Commission for the purpose of advising the Commission on matters relating to the implementation of the Art in Public Places Ordinance.

Apply to serve on the Art in Public Places Panel. Visit the Arts Commission page to see meeting dates and times as well as details on meeting locations.     


Roles and Responsibilities

  • Panelists must possess knowledge of contemporary visual art, trends in the public art field, and be willing to serve in a panel process without conflict of interest.  
  • Panelists must attend monthly meetings. 
  • Panelists are invited to attend AIPP-sponsored events, such as public art dedications, exhibition openings, lectures, public art site visits, project information meetings, and public hearings. 
  • Panelists may serve as jurors and advisors on AIPP selection panels.  


Current Panel Members

  • Stephanie Lemmo, Architect and AIPP Panel Chair  
  • J. Muzacz, Artist and AIPP Panel Vice Chair 
  • Taylor Davis, Designer and Curator
  • Monica Maldonado, Liaison to the Arts Commission 
  • Kristi-Anne Shaer, Arts Administrator