Lone Star Limericks has been so much fun!
Every rhyme and rhythm, joke and pun!
Thanks so much for writing,
Now here's something exciting:
Let's announce the people who've won!
Enjoy these winning submissions from the 3rd Annual Lone Star Limericks Competition!
1st Place: Joel Kravitz
So, you were riding high in the saddle
Now you're up a creek with no paddle.
Tis nobler in the mind
To get off your behind...
And make that Sea Of Troubles skedaddle!
2nd Place: Darlene Campos
The best pit stop has a beaver
The clean restrooms make you a believer
Yet others try to compete
As if Buc-ee's can be beat
By a beaver lacking deceiver
3rd Place: Martha Van Garza
Try Austin, it's scenic and hilly!
Eat barbeque, tacos, and chili!
Tour haunted hotels,
Then climb Mount Bonnell,
And you can be higher than Willie!
Honorable Mention #1: Natalie Hulsey
Austin, Texas, should I ever leave
This quirky and so-called progressive reprieve
I can't recall
A Texas that accepts ALL y'all
Please help me believe
Honorable Mention #2: Shelley Vinyard
What's prickly with blood that is cold
And has more than ten kids? (so we're told.)
Is it Texas' state lizard
Or Musk the tech wizard?
If you ask me, they're both horny toads!
Congratulations to the winners of Lone Star Limericks 2024!!!

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