Regular Meeting of the Austin City Council
October 24, 2024
Hybrid Speaker Registration and Rules
20241024, Regular City Council Meeting - Hybrid Speaker Registration and Rules
Meeting Agenda
Agenda, 519 KB
Combined Agenda and Addendum, 691 KB
Changes to the Meeting Agenda
Agenda Addendum, 192 KB
Agenda Changes and Corrections, 132 KB
Council Questions and Answers
Agenda Questions and Answers, 813 KB
Closed Caption Transcript
Transcript, 1.1 MB
Actions Taken By Council
Actions taken by the City Council during the October 24, 2024 meeting
Agenda Items - October 24, 2024
Scroll down to view each item on the meeting agenda or click on a number to go directly to that item.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 |
71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 |
81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 |
Item 1 - October 24, 2024
Approve the minutes of the Austin City Council work session of October 8, 2024, regular meeting of October 10, 2024, and corrected minutes for item 62 on the February 9, 2023 regular meeting.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-001, Agenda Backup: Backup 20230209-062 - Redline, PDF, 30 KB, posted 10/22/2024
20241024-001, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 73 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 2 - October 24, 2024
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Austin Energy Operating Budget Special Revenue Fund (Ordinance No. 20240814-007) to accept and appropriate $31,593,683 in grant funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and add three full-time equivalent grant positions to implement the Solar for All residential-serving community and residential rooftop solar program.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20241024-002, PDF, 429 KB, posted 11/4/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-002, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 16 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-002, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 142 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-002, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 132 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 3 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of a cost participation agreement with Sunfield Investments, LLC for the City to reimburse the developer for an amount not to exceed $7,526,750 for costs associated with the design and construction of an oversized elevated water reservoir and appurtenances related to Service Extension Request No. 4747R that will provide water service to a proposed residential and commercial development located at 1300 Turnersville Road.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-003, Agenda Backup: Location Map, PDF, 352 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-003, Agenda Backup: Oversized Improvements Map, PDF, 2.5 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-003, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 138 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 4 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of a cost participation agreement with CSW 10109 FM 969, LP for the City to reimburse the developer in an amount not to exceed $4,255,000 for costs associated with the design and construction of an oversized wastewater lift station, force main, and appurtenances related to Service Extension Request No. 5428R that will provide wastewater service to a proposed multi-family development located at 10109 FM 969.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-004, Agenda Backup: Location Map, PDF, 383 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-004, Agenda Backup: Oversized Improvements Map, PDF, 2.5 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-004, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 137 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 5 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with Travis County for the procurement of consultant services to update the Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan in an amount not to exceed $650,000 over a five-year term.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-005, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 132 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 6 - October 24, 2024
Approve an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Austin, Texas Water and Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, Series 2024A (SWIRFT), in the par amount of $25,000,000 related to Austin Water’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure program, and approving related documents.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20241024-006, PDF, 25.5 MB, posted 10/30/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-006, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 351 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-006, Agenda Backup: Escrow Agreement, PDF, 43 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-006, Agenda Backup: Paying Agent Agreement, PDF, 82 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-006, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 152 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 7 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to the interlocal agreement with Austin Independent School District to extend the full-day pre-kindergarten program through December 31, 2026, at no additional cost to the City. District(s) Affected: District 1, District 2, District 3, District 4.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-007, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 128 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 8 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution repealing and replacing Resolution No. 20240829-024, which nominated St. David’s Healthcare Partnership, L.P., LLP, located at 919 E 32nd Street, to provide additional information for designation by the Governor’s Office of Economic Development and Tourism as a single Texas Enterprise Project in accordance with Texas Government Code Chapter 2303. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20241024-008, PDF, 1.3 MB, posted 10/25/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-008, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 34 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-008, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 131 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 9 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for the City to provide medical oversight and credentialing of DPS’ Joint Medical Operations and operational medical programs for a term of up to seven years, for DPS’ total reimbursement amount to the City not to exceed $1,339,425.15.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-009, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 135 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 10 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of the third amendment to the Travis County Emergency Medical Services Fiscal Year 2025-2026 interlocal agreement to provide emergency medical services in areas of Travis County outside the City’s corporate limits and to dispatch support services to Travis County’s STAR Flight program in exchange for a payment from Travis County in an amount not to exceed $18,288,605.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-010, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 11 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution authorizing the issuance by the Southeast Travis County Municipal Utility District No. 1 of up to $4,780,000 in Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2024, to finance construction of drainage, water and wastewater facilities, and related expenses.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20241024-011, PDF, 312 KB, posted 10/29/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-011, Agenda Backup: Draft Notice of Sale, PDF, 1.4 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-011, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 17 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-011, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 116 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 12 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution directing the publication of an Official Notice of Intention to Issue $22,160,000 City of Austin, Texas, Combination Tax and Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2025 (CWSRF) related to the Buttermilk Creek Water Quality Improvement Project to include new stormwater control measures, removal/relocation of deteriorating wastewater infrastructure, and restoration of stream stability and riparian habitat.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20241024-012, PDF, 1.9 MB, posted 10/29/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-012, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 81 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-012, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 1.3 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-012, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 136 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-012, Agenda Backup: Schedule 1, PDF, 639 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 13 - October 24, 2024
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Financial Services Department Capital Budget (Ordinance No. 20240814-007) to increase appropriations by $120,500,000 for the acquisition and renovation of property located at 1501 and 1601 South Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas 78746 for a public safety campus. Related to Items #26 and #14. District(s) Affected: District 8.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20241024-013, PDF, 401 KB, posted 11/4/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-013, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 14 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-013, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 109 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-013, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 113 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 14 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution declaring the City’s official intent to reimburse itself from proceeds of tax-exempt general obligation debt in the total amount of $120,500,000 for costs associated with acquisition and improvement of a public safety campus. Related to Items #26 and #13. District(s) Affected: District 8.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20241024-014, PDF, 708 KB, posted 10/29/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-014, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 73 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-014, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 115 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-014, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 116 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 15 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for aviation security services at controlled access points with the American Association of Airport Executives, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,266,079. District(s) Affected: District 2.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-015, Agenda Backup: Contract Detail, PDF, 189 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-015, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 131 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 16 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for parts and repair services for Caterpillar equipment with BD Holt d/b/a Holt Texas, Ltd., for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $738,250.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-016, Agenda Backup: Contract Detail, PDF, 188 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-016, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 131 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 17 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for an assessment of the current human immunodeficiency virus care provided by Austin Public Health with Collaborative Research, LLC d/b/a Collaborative Research, LLC, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,125,000.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-017, Agenda Backup: Contract Detail, PDF, 188 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-017, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 131 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 18 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for replacement and continued maintenance of existing video wall equipment at the Combined Transportation Emergency and Communication Center with A & V Holdings Midco, LLC d/b/a AVI-SPL, LLC, for a term of three years in an amount not to exceed $1,700,000. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-018, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 131 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 19 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for Armis cloud-based security software, maintenance, and services with GTS Technology Solutions, Inc. d/b/a GTS Technology Solutions for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,750,000.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-019, Agenda Backup: Contract Detail, PDF, 83 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-019, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 131 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 20 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for the Bluebeam software solution for site and building plan markup with Emergent, LLC, for up to five years in an amount not to exceed $3,200,000.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-020, Agenda Backup: Contract Detail, PDF, 188 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-020, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 131 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 21 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of amendments to three contracts for continued tree and brush management services with Austin Arborist Company d/b/a Austin Tree Experts, Clean Scapes - Austin, LLC, and Unity Contractor Services, Inc., to increase the amounts by $3,250,000 for revised total contract amounts not to exceed $15,636,000, divided among the contractors.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-021, Agenda Backup: Contract Detail, PDF, 53 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-021, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 131 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 22 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of twelve contracts for engineering services for the 2024 Large Scale General Civil Engineering Services Rotation List with HDR Engineering, Inc.; CAS Consulting & Services, Inc.; Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.; Cobb Fendley & Associates, Inc.; Freese and Nichols, Inc.; Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.; Miller Gray, LLC; Parsons Water & Infrastructure, Inc.; Halff Associates, Inc.; Weston Solutions, Inc.; Tetra Tech, Inc.; and Pape-Dawson Consulting Engineers, LLC, for total contract amounts not to exceed $39,000,000, divided among the firms.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-022, Agenda Backup: MWBE Summary, PDF, 142 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-022, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 139 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 23 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable to acquire a wastewater easement across approximately 0.1275 acre (5,554 square feet) of land situated in the James Burleson Survey No. 19, Abstract No. 4, in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, generally located at FM Rd. 969 and Nixon Ln., Austin, Texas 78725, and being out of the remainder of that tract described as 5.00 acres (save and except 0.327 acre, described in Volume 3811, Page 2154, Deed Records, Travis County, Texas) conveyed to Gyro Plus, LLC by General Warranty Deed recorded in Document No. 2008044752, Official Public Records, Travis County, Texas, from Gyro Plus, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $83,493, including closing costs. District(s) Affected: District 1.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-023, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-023, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 114 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 24 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable to acquire in fee simple approximately 1.966 acres (85,630 square feet) of land out of the William Cannon League Survey No. 19, Abstract No. 6, Travis County, Texas for parkland, generally located at 6405 Circle S Road, Austin, Texas 78745, and being portions of those tracts conveyed to Trustees of Pleasant Hill Common School District 38 by deed recorded in Volume 1500, Page 108 of the Deed Records, and to Austin Independent School District by warranty deed recorded in Volume 8634, Page 544 of the Real Property Records, and all of that land conveyed to Austin Independent School District by general warranty deed recorded in Document No. 2005222797 of the Official Public Records, each of Travis County, Texas, from Austin Independent School District, for a total amount not to exceed $1,140,764 including closing costs. District(s) Affected: District 2.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-024, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 2.5 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-024, Agenda Backup: Park Service Area Map, PDF, 1.7 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-024, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 113 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 25 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable to acquire a Permanent Electric Transmission and Distribution Easement consisting of approximately 0.0466 acre (2,032 square feet) of land and a 12-month Temporary Construction Easement consisting of approximately 0.1200 acre (5,229 square feet) of land, out of the Santiago Del Valle Survey, Abstract No. 24, Travis County, Texas, generally located at 8801 South Interstate Highway 35, Austin, Texas 78744 and being a portion of the remainder of Lot 4C, Block “A”, Resubdivision of Lot 4, Block “A” South Bend Subdivision, a Subdivision recorded in Document No. 200300231, Official Public Records, Travis County, Texas, from Patricia A. McBrayer, in an amount not to exceed $204,900, including closing costs. District(s) Affected: District 2.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-025, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 1.7 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-025, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 114 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 26 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable to acquire in fee simple approximately 13.83 acres, including two 4-story Class A office buildings, known as One and Two Barton Skyway, totaling approximately 390,963 square feet of office space and two 5-level parking garages with approximately 1,551 garage and surface parking spaces, for municipal offices, located at 1501 and 1601 South Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas 78756, and being all of Lots 2A and 2B of the Wallingwood Section II, Replat of Lot 2 Subdivision, a subdivision of record in Volume 100, Pages 95-96 of the Plat Records of Travis County Texas, from G&I VII Barton Skyway LP, in an amount not to exceed $107,892,000 including closing costs. Related to Item #13. District(s) Affected: District 8.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-026, Agenda Backup: CM Alison Alter Motion Sheet, PDF, 55 KB, posted 10/21/2024
20241024-026, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 2.4 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-026, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 114 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 27 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with Ending Community Homeless Coalition to support the Grassroots Capacity Building Cohort to provide services for individuals experiencing homelessness, for an initial 24-month term, beginning on December 1, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $939,100.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-027, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 128 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 28 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 5 to the agreement with Family Eldercare, Inc. d/b/a Family Eldercare to provide Housing-focused Encampment Assistance Link rapid rehousing to individuals experiencing homelessness, to add one-time funding in an amount not to exceed $582,435, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $4,962,237.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-028, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 131 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 29 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 4 to the agreement with Family Eldercare, Inc. d/b/a Family Eldercare to provide rapid rehousing to older adults experiencing homelessness, to add one-time funding in an amount not to exceed $300,000, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $1,419,924.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-029, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 130 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 30 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 4 to the agreement with Foundation for the Homeless, Inc. to provide rapid rehousing to individuals experiencing homelessness, to add one-time funding in an amount not to exceed $729,230, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $2,760,292.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-030, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 130 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 31 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 4 to the agreement with Youth and Family Alliance d/b/a Lifeworks to provide rapid rehousing and supportive services to individuals experiencing homelessness, to add one-time funding in an amount not to exceed $758,832, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $3,297,928.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-031, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 130 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 32 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with Urban Alchemy to provide intervention services to individuals experiencing homelessness for a 12-month term, beginning on October 1, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $920,000.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-032, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 128 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 33 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with Austin Independent School District (AISD) for implementation of the Saturday Academy and Summer Camp to support the advancement of literacy in English and Spanish for AISD children, youth, and their parents for a one-year term with five successive 12-month renewal options. District(s) Affected: District 2, District 3, District 9.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-033, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 120 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 34 - October 24, 2024
Approve adoption of the UMLAUF Sculpture Garden + Museum Historic Preservation, Expansion, and Unification Plan to improve access to and expand the use of the sculpture garden, museum and grounds and to preserve and activate the historic Umlauf home and studio. District(s) Affected: District 5.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-034, Agenda Backup: Memo, PDF, 216 KB, posted 10/22/2024
20241024-034, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 136 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-034, Agenda Backup: Report, PDF, 72.3 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 35 - October 24, 2024
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Austin Police Department Operating Budget Special Revenue Fund (Ordinance No. 20240814-007) to accept and appropriate $175,000 in grant funds from the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services for the Austin Downtown Entertainment District’s pilot, the Building Trust and Legitimacy with the Community Project.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20241024-035, PDF, 441 KB, posted 11/4/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-035, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 103 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-035, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 36 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-035, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 115 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 36 - October 24, 2024
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Austin Police Department Operating Budget Special Revenue Fund (Ordinance No. 20240814-007) to accept and appropriate $250,000 in grant funds from the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services for the Austin Police Department Accreditation Project.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20241024-036, PDF, 412 KB, posted 11/4/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-036, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 14 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-036, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-036, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 114 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 37 - October 24, 2024
Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with Communities for Recovery to provide support services through a community center and community planning initiatives to lessen the impacts of substance misuse disorders, for an initial eight-month term through September 30, 2025 with five 12-month additional extension options, each in an amount not to exceed $113,333, for a total agreement amount not to exceed $679,998.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-037, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 129 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 38 - October 24, 2024
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Austin Public Health Department Operating Budget Special Revenue Fund (Ordinance No. 20240814-007) to accept and appropriate $521,000 in grant funds from the Texas Department of State Health Services for HIV Clinical HIV/STI Prevention in Community Health Centers.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20241024-038, PDF, 377 B, posted 11/7/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-038, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 18 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-038, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 106 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-038, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 114 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 39 - October 24, 2024
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Austin Public Health Department Operating Budget Special Revenue Fund (Ordinance No. 20240814-007) to accept and appropriate $183,750 in grant funds from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention via the Texas Department of State Health Services for the Disease Intervention Specialists Supplemental Workforce Grant.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20241024-039, PDF, 380 B, posted 11/7/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-039, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 19 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-039, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 81 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-039, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 129 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 40 - October 24, 2024
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Section 12-4-64 (Speed Limits) to establish a maximum speed limit of 55 miles per hour on a segment of FM 974 (Parmer Lane). District(s) Affected: District 6.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20241024-040, PDF, 812 KB, posted 11/4/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-040, Affidavit of Publication , PDF, 134 KB, posted 11/6/2024
20241024-040, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 71 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-040, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 808 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-040, Agenda Backup: Map - Aerial, PDF, 225 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-040, Agenda Backup: Map - Strip Map, PDF, 98 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-040, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 142 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 41 - October 24, 2024
Approve an ordinance renaming a portion of Aircraft Lane located within Austin-Bergstrom International Airport grounds to Concourse Way, and waiving certain sections of City Code Chapter 14-5 (Street Name Change). District(s) Affected: District 2.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20241024-041, PDF, 753 KB, posted 11/4/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-041, Agenda Backup: Backup, PDF, 376 KB, posted 10/18/2024
20241024-041, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 16 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-041, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 1.3 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-041, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 139 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 42 - October 24, 2024
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Transportation and Public Works Department Special Revenue Fund (Ordinance No. 20240814-007) to accept and appropriate grant funds from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency in the amount of $47,854,062 and amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Transportation and Public Works Department Capital Budget (Ordinance No. 20240814-007) to transfer in and appropriate $47,854,062 for Mobility Hub projects and regional mobility education.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20241024-042, PDF, 480 KB, posted 11/4/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-042, Agenda Backup: Capital Fiscal Note, PDF, 124 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-042, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 15 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-042, Agenda Backup: Operating Fiscal Note, PDF, 225 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-042, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 130 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 43 - October 24, 2024
Approve appointments and certain related waivers to citizen boards and commissions, to Council committees and other intergovernmental bodies, and to public facility corporations; removal and replacement of members; and amendments to board and commission bylaws.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-043, Agenda Backup: Nominations & Waivers, PDF, 14 KB, posted 10/21/2024
20241024-043, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 120 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 44 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution to bestow the honorary name of Officer Justin Putnam Drive on a portion of Mellow Meadow Drive. Council Sponsors: Council Member Mackenzie Kelly, Council Member Alison Alter, Council Member Ryan Alter, Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20241024-044, PDF, 786 KB, posted 10/29/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-044, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 75 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-044, Agenda Backup: Letter of Support, PDF, 163 KB, posted 10/18/2024
20241024-044, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 106 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 45 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution related to preparing an ordinance that requires landlords to disclose certain fees to prospective tenants during the leasing process. Council Sponsors: Council Member Ryan Alter, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member Zohaib ''Zo'' Qadri, Council Member José ''Chito'' Vela, Council Member José Velásquez.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20241024-045, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 11/4/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-045, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 37 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-045, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 122 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 46 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to return to Council with an ordinance to establish Child Safety Zones restricting registered sex offenders from going in, on, or within a specified distance of premises where children commonly gather as allowed by state law. Council Sponsors: Council Member Mackenzie Kelly, Council Member Alison Alter, Council Member Ryan Alter, Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-046, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 25 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-046, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution V2, PDF, 26 KB, posted 10/23/2024
20241024-046, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution V2- Redline, PDF, 27 KB, posted 10/23/2024
20241024-046, Agenda Backup: Letter of Support, PDF, 243 KB, posted 10/15/2024
20241024-046, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 122 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-046, Agenda Late Backup: Draft Resolution V3, PDF, 26 KB, posted 10/24/2024
20241024-046, Agenda Late Backup: Draft Resolution V3- Redline, PDF, 27 KB, posted 10/24/2024
20241024-046, Agenda Late Backup: Letter of Support 2, PDF, 164 KB, posted 10/24/2024
Item 47 - October 24, 2024
Discussion and possible action to ratify a proposed five-year Meet and Confer Agreement with the Austin Police Association relating to wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment for police officers of the Austin Police Department. Related to Item #48.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-047, Agenda Backup: MMAC – Certification of the Proposed 2024 Agreement Between the City of Austin and the Austin Police Association, PDF, 89 KB, posted 10/17/2024
20241024-047, Agenda Backup: Presentation, PDF, 1.7 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-047, Agenda Backup: Presentation- Police Contract Discussion, PDF, 678 KB, posted 10/23/2024
20241024-047, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 182 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-047, Agenda Backup: Tentative Agreement, PDF, 2.1 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 48 - October 24, 2024
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 General Fund Operating Budget (Ordinance No. 202408014-007) to increase appropriations in the Austin Police Department Operating Budget by the amount of $16,583,833 and decrease the General Fund Operating Budget Other Requirements by $16,583,833 to provide additional funds to cover sworn personnel expenditures related to wages and benefits. Related to Item #47.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20241024-048, PDF, 442 B, posted 11/7/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-048, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 19 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-048, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 67 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-048, Agenda Backup: Presentation- Police Contract Discussion, PDF, 678 KB, posted 10/23/2024
20241024-048, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 128 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 49 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings and payment to acquire the property interests needed for the East Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard/ FM 969 Corridor Improvement Project for the public use of street right-of-way and construction, a shared-use-path route, and landscaping within the project area that will address congestion and enhance safety for pedestrians and cyclists, requiring the acquisition of 0.3496 of one acre (15,228 square foot) parcel of street right-of-way, being out of and a portion of the James Burleson Survey No. 19, Abstract No. 4, and the J.C. Tannehill Survey No. 29, Abstract No. 22, in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, being out of the remainder of that Tract described as 143.144 acres conveyed to Karlin Tracor Lane, LLC by Special Warranty Deed as recorded in Document No. 2020139775, Official Public Records, Travis County, Texas, currently appraised at $448,373 subject to an increase in value based on updated appraisals or a Special Commissioner’s award. The owner of the needed property is Karlin Tracor Lane, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The property is located at 00 Farm to Market Road 969 (FM 969), Austin, Texas, 78725 (the south side of FM 969 at the intersection of FM 969 and McBee Drive). The general route of the project is along FM 969 between United States Route 183 and Decker Lane.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-049, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 24 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-049, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 507 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-049, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-049, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 130 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-049, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 130 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 50 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings and payment to acquire the property interests needed for the Corridor Program project - East Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard / Farm to Market Road (FM) 969 for the public use of street right-of-way and construction, wastewater betterments, shared-use path route, and landscaping within the project area to address congestion and enhance safety for pedestrians and cyclists, requiring the acquisition of approximately 1.329 acres (57,886 square feet) of street right-of-way, 0.1913 acres (8,331 square feet) of access easement, 0.552 acres (24,043 square feet) of wastewater easement, and 0.0593 acres (2,583 square feet) of temporary construction easement, being out of and a portion of James Burleson Survey No. 19, Abstract No. 4, in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, being out of the remainder of that tract described as 171.987 acres conveyed to PB Austin Ridge, LLC (undivided 1/2 interest) and MF Austin Ridge, LLC (undivided 1/2 interest) by General Warranty Assumption Deed recorded in Document No. 2003183806, Official Public Records, Travis County, Texas currently appraised at $1,614,293 subject to an increase in value based on updated appraisals or a Special Commissioner’s award. The owners of the needed property are PB Austin Ridge, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, and MF Austin Ridge, LLC, a Texas limited liability company. The property is located at 8509 FM Road 969, Austin, Texas 78724. The general route of the project is along FM 969 between United States Route 183 and Decker Lane. District(s) Affected: District 1.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20241024-050, PDF, 13.5 MB, posted 11/4/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-050, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 31 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-050, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 566 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-050, Agenda Backup: Exhibit B, PDF, 1.4 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-050, Agenda Backup: Exhibit C, PDF, 535 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-050, Agenda Backup: Exhibit D, PDF, 461 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-050, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 2.4 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-050, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 131 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 51 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings and payment to acquire the property interests needed for the Corridor Program project - East Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard/Farm to Market Road (FM) 969 project for the public use of street right-of-way and wastewater improvements, shared-use path routes, and landscaping within the project area to address congestion and enhance safety for pedestrians and cyclists, requiring the acquisition of approximately 0.2453 acres (10,687 square feet) of street right-of-way, 0.0579 acres (2,522 square feet) of access easement, 0.1328 acres (5,786 square feet) of wastewater easement, and 0.0817 acres (3,557 square feet) of temporary construction easement, being out of and a portion of the James Burleson Survey No. 19, Abstract No. 4, in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, being out of that tract described as 7.873 acres (Tract 1) conveyed to Center For Child Protection by Special Warranty Deed recorded in Document No. 2015138027, Official Public Records, Travis County, Texas, currently appraised at $337,636 subject to an increase in value based on updated appraisals or a Special Commissioners’ award. The owner of the needed property is the Center for Child Protection, a Texas non-profit corporation. The property is located at 8515 FM 969, Austin, Texas 78724. The general route of the project is along FM 969 between United States Route 183 and Decker Lane. District(s) Affected: District 1.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-051, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 31 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-051, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 371 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-051, Agenda Backup: Exhibit B, PDF, 916 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-051, Agenda Backup: Exhibit C, PDF, 813 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-051, Agenda Backup: Exhibit D, PDF, 372 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-051, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 986 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-051, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 115 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 52 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings and payment to acquire the property interests needed for the Cap Ex South, CKT987 & 1031 Structure Relocation 2021 Project for the public use of relocating various structures along existing circuits 926/927, 987, and 988 to accommodate the Texas Department of Transportation expansion of Interstate Highway 35 (IH 35), requiring the acquisition of 0.168 acres (7,319 square feet) of a permanent electric transmission and distribution easement, being a portion of Lot 23, Block “A”, Circle “S” Ridge Section 1, a Subdivision recorded September 14, 1946 in Book 4, Page 285, Plat Records, Travis County, Texas, a portion of said lot 23 (Tract II) conveyed to Long Reas Estate holdings, LLC by Warranty deed with vendor’s lien dated November 27, 2012, as record in document No. 2012202489, official public records, Travis County, Texas, November 27, 2012 from Long Real Estate Holdings, LLC, a Texas limited liability company located at 7008 South Interstate Highway 35, Austin, Texas 78745, currently appraised at $572,123, subject to an increase in value based on updated appraisals or a Special Commissioners’ award. The owner of the needed property is Long Real Estate Holdings, LLC. The property is located at 7008 South IH 35, Austin, Texas, 78745. The general route of the project is along IH 35 from State Highway (SH) 71 south to SH 45. District(s) Affected: District 2.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-052, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 24 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-052, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 326 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-052, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 912 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-052, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 116 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 53 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings and payment to acquire the property interests needed for the Corridor Program project - East Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard / Farm to Market Road (FM) 969 for the public use of street right-of-way and construction, wastewater betterments construction, shared-use path route, and landscaping within the project area to address congestion and enhance safety for pedestrians and cyclists , requiring the acquisition of approximately 0.0829 acres (3,611 square feet) of street right-of-way, 0.0184 acres (802 square feet) of access easement, 0.0463 acres (2,018 square feet) of wastewater easement, and 0.0352 acres (1,533 square feet) of temporary construction easement, being out of and a portion of the James Burleson Survey, No. 19, Abstract No. 4, in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, being out of that tract described as 8.913 acres conveyed to Andrew S. Roddick Foundation, Inc. by Special Warranty Deed recorded in Document No. 2015014222, Official Public Records, Travis County, Texas, currently appraised at $117,092 subject to an increase in value based on updated appraisals or a Special Commissioner’s award. The owner of the needed property is Andrew S. Roddick Foundation, Inc., a Florida non-profit corporation. The property is located at 8509 FM 969, Austin, Texas 78724. The general route of the project is along FM 969 between United States Route 183 and Decker Lane. District(s) Affected: District 1.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20241024-053, PDF, 11 KB, posted 11/7/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-053, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 31 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-053, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 338 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-053, Agenda Backup: Exhibit B, PDF, 1.9 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-053, Agenda Backup: Exhibit C, PDF, 920 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-053, Agenda Backup: Exhibit D, PDF, 825 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-053, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 1.0 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-053, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 115 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 54 - October 24, 2024
The Mayor will recess the City Council meeting to conduct a Board of Director’s meeting of the Austin Housing Finance Corporation. Following the adjournment of the AHFC Board meeting, the City Council will reconvene.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-054, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 120 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 55 - October 24, 2024
Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20240814-006 to revise Fiscal Year 2025 Electric Tariff to enable locally sited solar generation, including local distributed community solar (Solar Standard Offer Rider - Solar Integrator); to remove the maximum capacity limits for on-site renewable generation for High Load Factor Primary Voltage (Demand greater than or equal to 3,000 kW and less than 20,000 kW), High Load Factor Primary Voltage (Demand greater than or equal to 20,000 kW), and High Load Factor Transmission Voltage (Demand greater than or equal to 20 MW); and to correct terms and conditions for High Load Factor Transmission Voltage (Demand greater than or equal to 20 MW).
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20241024-055, PDF, 19.6 MB, posted 11/4/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-055, Agenda Backup: Austin Energy Tariff FY 2025 (Clean), PDF, 550 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-055, Agenda Backup: Austin Energy Tariff FY 2025 (Redline), PDF, 548 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-055, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 20 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-055, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 132 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 56 - October 24, 2024
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to create a new combining district, to be known as Planned Development Area 2, that will apply in industrial base zoning districts and allow for modifications to site development regulations, including height, off-street parking design, loading regulations, sign regulations, landscaping or screening regulations, and additional non-residential uses; and ending the acceptance of zoning and rezoning applications to combine planned development area combining district with certain base zones.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-056, Agenda Backup: Postponement Memo, PDF, 146 KB, posted 10/15/2024
20241024-056, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 115 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 57 - October 24, 2024
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to create a new density bonus combining district for commercial highway and industrial base zoning districts that will modify uses, including allowing residential uses, and modifications of site development regulations, including height, off-street parking design and loading regulations, sign regulations, and landscaping and screening regulations in exchange for providing community benefits, including income restricted units or providing a fee-in-lieu.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-057, Agenda Backup: Postponement Memo, PDF, 146 KB, posted 10/15/2024
20241024-057, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 120 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 58 - October 24, 2024
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution related to an application by Roers Austin Apartments Owner IV LP, or an affiliated entity, for housing tax credits for the construction of a multi-family development to be financed through the private activity bond program to be known as Payton Gin Apartments, located at or near 1706 Payton Gin Road, Austin, Texas 78758.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20241024-058, PDF, 790 KB, posted 11/4/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-058, Agenda Backup: Backup, PDF, 71 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-058, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 26 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-058, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 141 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 59 - October 24, 2024
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution related to an application by Decker Lake Apartments Limited Partnership, or an affiliated entity, for housing tax credits for the construction of a multifamily development to be financed through the private activity bond program to be known as Decker Lake Apartments, located within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction at or near 6200 Blue Bluff Road, Austin, Texas 78724.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20241024-059, PDF, 1 KB, posted 11/7/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-059, Agenda Backup: Backup, PDF, 73 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-059, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 32 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-059, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 127 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 60 - October 24, 2024
Conduct a public hearing and consider a request by Wheatsville Food Co-op, located at 4001 S. Lamar Blvd. Unit E, for a waiver of the distance requirement of City Code Section 4-9-4(A) which requires a minimum 300-foot separation distance between a business selling alcoholic beverages and a school.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-060, Agenda Backup: AISD Opposition Letter, PDF, 247 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-060, Agenda Backup: Applicant Letter, PDF, 109 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-060, Agenda Backup: Application, PDF, 3.6 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-060, Agenda Backup: Postponement Request, PDF, 828 KB, posted 10/22/2024
20241024-060, Agenda Backup: Public Comment Opposition, PDF, 1,000 KB, posted 10/22/2024
20241024-060, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 128 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-060, Agenda Backup: Staff Map, PDF, 971 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-060, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 65 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 61 - October 24, 2024
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance adopting the Second Amendment to the Agreement Concerning Creation and Operation of Sunfield Municipal Utility District Nos.1, 2, 3 and 4. This amendment impacts Sunfield Municipal Utility District No. 2, which is located in Austin’s Limited Purpose jurisdiction and includes approximately 575 acres located east of IH 35 along the Travis and Hays County line, south of Turnersville Road on both sides of the proposed extension of Loop 4 in Council District 5. Case number: C12M-2024-0015.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-061, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinace, PDF, 28 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-061, Agenda Backup: Exhibit, PDF, 892 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-061, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 130 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-061, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 158 KB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 62 - October 24, 2024
NPA-2023-0005.01 - Montopolis-Fairway Mixed Use - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 010927-05 the Montopolis Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 6202 and 6204 Caddie Street, 1600, 1604, 1606, 1608, 1610, 1612, and 1614 Montopolis Drive, and 6205, 6211, and 6215 Fairway Street (Country Club Creek Watershed) from Single Family and Civic to Mixed Use land use. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant Mixed Use land use. Owners/Applicants: 3rd Angle Developments, LLC & 1614 Montopolis, LLC (Ben S. Cobos). Agents: Thrower Design, LLC (Ron Thrower and Victoria Haase). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, Planning Department, (512) 974-2695. District(s) Affected: District 3.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-062, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 376 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-062, Agenda Backup: Indefinite Postponement Letter, PDF, 154 KB, posted 10/22/2024
20241024-062, Agenda Backup: Public Comments, PDF, 490 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-062, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 111 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-062, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 22.1 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 63 - October 24, 2024
C14-2024-0015 - Montopolis - Fairway Mixed Use - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 6202 and 6204 Caddie Street, 1600, 1604, 1606, 1608, 1610, 1612, and 1614 Montopolis Drive, and 6205, 6211, and 6215 Fairway Street (Country Club East Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from community commercial-neighborhood plan (GR-NP) combining district zoning and family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant community commercial-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (GR-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: 3rd Angle Developments LLC & 1614 Montopolis LLC (Ben S. Cobos). Agent: Thrower Design, LLC (Ron Thrower & Victoria Haase). City Staff: Cynthia Hadri, Planning Department, 512-974-7620. District(s) Affected: District 3.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-063, Agenda Backup: Additional Public Correspondence, PDF, 3.3 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-063, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 221 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-063, Agenda Backup: Indefinite Postponement Letter, PDF, 154 KB, posted 10/22/2024
20241024-063, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 111 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-063, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 6.0 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 64 - October 24, 2024
C14H-2024-0100 - Splawn-Green House - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 3311 Lafayette Avenue (Boggy Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to family residence-historic landmark-neighborhood plan (SF-3-H-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation, Historic Landmark Commission Recommendation, and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant family residence-historic landmark-neighborhood plan (SF-3-H-NP) combining district zoning. Owners/Applicants: Steve Wilson and Erin Mayes. City Staff: Kalan Contreras, 512-974-2727. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-064, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 171 KB, posted 10/15/2024
20241024-064, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-064, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 6.8 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 65 - October 24, 2024
C14H-2024-0094 - Brooks House - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1500 West 24th Street (Shoal Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to family residence-historic landmark-neighborhood plan (SF-3-H-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation, Historic Landmark Commission Recommendation, and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant family residence-historic landmark-neighborhood plan (SF-3-H-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Suzanne Bryan & Sarah Goodfriend. City Staff: Austin Lukes, 512-978-0766. District(s) Affected: District 10.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-065, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 390 KB, posted 10/17/2024
20241024-065, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-065, Agenda Backup: Revised Staff Report, PDF, 16.5 MB, posted 10/14/2024
20241024-065, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 16.4 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 66 - October 24, 2024
C14H-2024-0098 - Maufrais House - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1403 West 10th Street (Lady Bird Lake Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to family residence-historic landmark-neighborhood plan (SF-3-H-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation, Historic Landmark Commission Recommendation, and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant family residence-historic landmark-neighborhood plan (SF-3-H-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Mark Stine & Clemmie Cummins. City Staff: Austin Lukes, 512-978-0766. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-066, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-066, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 14.1 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 67 - October 24, 2024
C814-2023-0057 - 200 E. Riverside PUD - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by zoning and rezoning property locally known as 200 East Riverside Drive (East Bouldin Creek and Lady Bird Lake Watersheds). Applicant Request: To rezone from lake commercial-neighborhood plan (L-NP) combining district zoning to planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning. The ordinance may include exemption from or waiver of fees, alternative funding methods, modifications of City regulations, and acquisition of property. Staff Recommendation: To grant planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning, with conditions. Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning, with additional conditions. Applicant: Garwald Company, Inc. (Rogan Giles). Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Richard T. Suttle, Jr.). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-067, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-067, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 7.8 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 68 - October 24, 2024
C14-2024-0108 - Indian Hills FM 973 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 11900 Decker Lake Road (Decker Creek Watershed). Applicant request: To rezone from limited industrial service-conditional overlay (LI-CO) combining district zoning and multifamily residence medium density (MF-3) district zoning to community commercial-mixed use-conditional overlay (GR-MU-CO) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant community commercial-mixed use-conditional overlay (GR-MU-CO) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Club Deal 116 Indian Hills TX LP (Douglas H. Gilliland). Agent: Metcalfe Wolfe Stuart & Williams, LLP (Michele Rogerson Lynch). City Staff: Beverly Villela, Planning Department, (512) 978-0740. District(s) Affected: District 1.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-068, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 2.8 MB, posted 10/15/2024
20241024-068, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 111 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-068, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 4.4 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 69 - October 24, 2024
NPA-2024-0026.01 - Auto Repair Shop - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20100624-110 the North Lamar/Georgian Acres Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 301 and 303 Ferguson Drive (Walnut Creek Watershed) from Neighborhood Mixed Use to Mixed Use land use. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To deny Mixed Use land use. Owner/Applicant: Duraid Alawe. Agent: Development and Consulting Bridgeway, LLC (Marisa Kane). City Staff: Tyler Tripp, 512-974-3362. District(s) Affected: District 4.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-069, Agenda Backup: Neighborhood Comment, PDF, 147 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-069, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-069, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 6.7 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 70 - October 24, 2024
C14-2024-0008 - Auto Repair Shop - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 301 and 303 Ferguson Drive (Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from general commercial services-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-CO-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-CO-NP) combining district zoning, to change a condition of zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To deny the rezoning request. Owner/Applicant: Duraid Alawe. Agent: Development and Consulting Bridgeway, LLC (Marisa Kane). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057. District(s) Affected: District 4.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-070, Agenda Backup: Public Comment, PDF, 217 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-070, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-070, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 6.7 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 71 - October 24, 2024
C14-2024-0079 - Spec's Wines, Spirits & Finer Food - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1500 West 35th Street (Shoal Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from community commercial-vertical mixed use building-neighborhood plan (GR-V-NP) combining district zoning to commercial-liquor sales-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-1-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant commercial-liquor sales-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-1-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Mascot LLC (Lee Cherney). Agent: Aus-Tex Building Consultants, LLC (Jourdan Brightman). City Staff: Cynthia Hadri, Planning Department, 512-974-7620. District(s) Affected: District 10.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-071, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 920 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-071, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 111 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-071, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 2.1 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 72 - October 24, 2024
NPA-2023-0013.01 - 200 W. Mary - Approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20020523-32 the Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known 200 and 204 West Mary Street (East Bouldin Creek Watershed) from Single Family to Mixed Use land use. First reading approved on September 26, 2024. Vote: 10-0. Council Member A. Alter off the dais. Owner/Applicant: Herb Bar Soco, LLC. Agent: Husch Blackwell, LLP (Nikelle Meade). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, Planning Department, (512) 974-2695. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-072, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 576 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-072, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 109 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-072, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 6.8 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 73 - October 24, 2024
C14-2023-0021 - 200 West Mary Street - Approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 200 and 204 West Mary Street (East Bouldin Creek Watershed) from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to neighborhood commercial-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (LR-MU-CO-NP) combining district zoning. First reading approved on September 26, 2024. Vote: 10-0. Council Member A. Alter off the dais. Owner/Applicant: Herb Bar Soco, LLC. Agent: Husch Blackwell, LLP (Nikelle Meade). City Staff: Jonathan Tomko, Planning Department, (512) 974-1057. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-073, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 316 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-073, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-073, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 6.3 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 74 - October 24, 2024
C14-2023-0139 - Oak Creek Village Phase 2 - Approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 2302 Durwood Street and 2324 Wilson Street (East Bouldin Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from multifamily residence highest density-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (MF-6-CO-NP) combining district zoning to multifamily residence highest density-neighborhood plan (MF-6-NP) combining district zoning. First reading approved on September 26, 2024. Vote: 10-0. Council Member A. Alter off the dais. Owner/Applicant: 2018 Austin OCV, LLC (Rene Campos). Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Michael Whellan). City Staff: Cynthia Hadri, Planning Department, 512-974-7620. District(s) Affected: District 3.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-074, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 239 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-074, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-074, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 6.9 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 75 - October 24, 2024
C14-2024-0071 - Thornton Road Multifamily - Approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 2313, 2315, 2401 and 2413 Thornton Road (West Bouldin Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from multifamily residence low density (MF-2) district zoning and general commercial services (CS) district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-density bonus 90 (CS-MU-V-DB90) combining district zoning. First reading approved multifamily residence highest density-conditional overlay (MF-6-CO) combining district on September 26, 2024. Vote 9-0. Council Members A. Alter and Ellis off the dais. Owner/Applicant: PSW-Thornton 2, LLC. Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Michael Whellan). City Staff: Cynthia Hadri, Planning Department, 512-974-7620. District(s) Affected: District 5.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-075, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 722 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-075, Agenda Backup: Neighborhood Postponement Request, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/22/2024
20241024-075, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-075, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 30.5 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 76 - October 24, 2024
C14-2024-0090 - 11700 Metric - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 11550 and 11550 1/2 Metric Boulevard (Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from North Burnet/Gateway-neighborhood plan (NBG-NP) combining district (neighborhood residential subdistrict) zoning to North Burnet/Gateway-neighborhood plan (NBG-NP) combining district (neighborhood mixed use subdistrict) zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant North Burnet/Gateway-neighborhood plan (NBG-NP) combining district (neighborhood mixed use subdistrict) zoning. Owner/Applicant: Austin Lincoln Oaks Apartments, L.P. Agent: Drenner Group, PC (Leah M. Bojo). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057. District(s) Affected: District 7.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-076, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 3.0 MB, posted 10/15/2024
20241024-076, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-076, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 4.0 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 77 - October 24, 2024
C14-05-0151(RCT) - 8420 Longview RC Termination - Conduct a public hearing and approve a restrictive covenant termination on a property locally known as 8420 Longview Road and 3114 Cameron Loop (Williamson Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To terminate the public restrictive covenant associated with zoning case C14-05-0151. Staff Recommendation and Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant the public restrictive covenant termination. Owner/Applicant: SB Longview LLC (Zachary Greenky). Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Michael J. Whellan). City Staff: Nancy Estrada, Planning Department, 512-974-7617. District(s) Affected: District 5.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-077, Agenda Backup: Draft Restrictive Covenant, PDF, 243 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-077, Agenda Backup: Public Comment, PDF, 334 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-077, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-077, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 3.0 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 78 - October 24, 2024
C14-2024-0081 - 830 Airport DB90 Rezoning - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 830 and 838 Airport Boulevard and 917 and 923 Shady Lane (Boggy Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-NP) combining district zoning and general commercial services-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-CO-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building- conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: 838 Airport 2017, LP. Agent: Armbrust & Brown PLLC (Michael J. Whellan). City Staff: Jonathan Tomko, 512-974-1057. District(s) Affected: District 3.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-078, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 920 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-078, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-078, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 2.0 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 79 - October 24, 2024
C14-2024-0075 - 9012 Research - Approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 9000, 9010, 9012, 9014, 9014 1/2 Research Boulevard Service Road Southbound (Little Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from general commercial services-neighborhood plan (CS-NP) combining district zoning and commercial-liquor sales-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-1-CO-NP) combining district zoning to commercial-liquor sales-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-1-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. First Reading approved September 12, 2024. Vote: 11-0. Owner/Applicant: Austin Home Center Associates. Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Michael J. Whellan). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057. District(s) Affected: District 4.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-079, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 482 KB, posted 10/18/2024
20241024-079, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-079, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 2.5 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 80 - October 24, 2024
C14-2023-0110 - 1230 East 38th 1/2 Street - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1230, 1300, 1400, 1402, and 1406 East 38th Half Street (Boggy Creek Watershed) from general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: 38th Half St Holding LLC, 1230 E. 38th Half St Holding 2 LLC, Cherrywood Austin LLC, 706 W 34th LLC, Nasteb Keystone Family LTD. Agent: Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor). City Staff: Jonathan Tomko, Planning Department, 512-974-1057. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-080, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 4.1 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-080, Agenda Backup: Educational Impact Statement, PDF, 537 KB, posted 10/21/2024
20241024-080, Agenda Backup: Public Comments, PDF, 256 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-080, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 111 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-080, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 9.1 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 81 - October 24, 2024
C814-2014-0083.01 - Sunfield Planned Unit Development Amendment #1 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1901 Turnersville Road, southwest corner of Turnersville Road and South Turnersville Road (Rinard Creek, Plum Creek, and Onion Creek Watersheds). Applicant Request: To rezone from planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning to planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning, to change conditions of zoning. The ordinance may include exemption from or waiver of fees, alternative funding methods, modifications of City regulations, and acquisition of property. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning, to change conditions of zoning. Owner/Applicant: Sunfield Investments LLC; Sunfield Development LLC (Ryan Burkhardt). Agent: Jackson Walker, LLP (Pamela Madere). City Staff: Nancy Estrada, Planning Department, 512-974-7617. District(s) Affected: District 5.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-081, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 8.7 MB, posted 10/18/2024
20241024-081, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-081, Agenda Backup: Staff Report Part 1, PDF, 9.1 MB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-081, Agenda Backup: Staff Report Part 2, PDF, 3.0 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 82 - October 24, 2024
C814-2023-0027 - 311-315 South Congress PUD - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 311, 313, and 315 South Congress Avenue (Lady Bird Lake and East Bouldin Creek Watersheds). Applicant Request: To rezone from commercial-liquor sales-vertical mixed use building-neighborhood plan (CS-1-V-NP) combining district zoning and limited industrial service-neighborhood plan (LI-NP) combining district zoning to planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning. The ordinance may include exemption from or waiver of fees, alternative funding methods, modifications of City regulations, and acquisition of property. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Bridgestone Firestone (Wesley H Pearson Jr. & Jerry W. Pearson). Agent: Drenner Group PC (Amanda Swor). City Staff: Jonathan Tomko, Planning Department, (512) 974-1057. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-082, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 2.7 MB, posted 10/18/2024
20241024-082, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance V2, PDF, 5.2 MB, posted 10/22/2024
20241024-082, Agenda Backup: Memo, PDF, 437 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-082, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 110 KB, posted 10/11/2024
20241024-082, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 7.8 MB, posted 10/11/2024
Item 83 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution extending a Declaration of Local State of Disaster in response to concerns related to the widespread and severe property damage, injury, and loss of life due to persistent heat, high winds, and drought conditions creating a severe risk of wildfires.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20241024-083, PDF, 776 B, posted 11/7/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-083, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 25 KB, posted 10/17/2024
20241024-083, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 126 KB, posted 10/17/2024
Item 84 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution directing financial reporting for the Austin Police Department budget and directing reporting regarding potential utilization of non-sworn personnel to perform functions such as vehicle crash reports, special event staffing, mental-health calls, vehicle abatement, and responses to burglar alarms. Council Sponsors: Council Member Ryan Alter, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member José ''Chito'' Vela, Council Member Zohaib ''Zo'' Qadri, Council Member Alison Alter.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20241024-084, PDF, 385 KB, posted 10/29/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-084, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 29 KB, posted 10/17/2024
20241024-084, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution V2, PDF, 18 KB, posted 10/23/2024
20241024-084, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution V2- Redline, PDF, 30 KB, posted 10/23/2024
20241024-084, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 123 KB, posted 10/17/2024
Item 85 - October 24, 2024
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to analyze available public health and safety resources to host public community events focused on safe firearm storage, active shooter training and other resources to prevent gun violence, including creation of a “Gun Safety Day in Austin” campaign. Council Sponsors: Council Member Zohaib ''Zo'' Qadri, Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool, Council Member Paige Ellis, Council Member Alison Alter.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20241024-085, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 10/29/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20241024-085, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 32 KB, posted 10/17/2024
20241024-085, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 122 KB, posted 10/17/2024
Page updated: 11/7/2024, 10:38am
Office of the City Clerk