The Small Business Division provides business training, educational events, and coaching to empower entrepreneurs. Our mission is to foster job creation and support the growth of new and existing businesses by providing capacity-building information, tools, and resources.

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Contacting the Small Business Division

The Economic Development Department's Small Business Division is here to assist you. Our team is available to answer your questions and provide support via email, phone, or by appointment.

To get in touch, please send us a message with our inquiry form, email us at or call us at 512-974-7800.

Other Resources:  

  • The Community Navigator Program supports local businesses, non-profit organizations, and creative professionals impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Local entities can apply for no-cost assistance from Community Navigators for one-on-one coaching, virtual classes, and applying for government and philanthropic support.
  • Economic Development Department’s Small Business Resources Directory - Database of local, state, federal, and community resources. Filter by “Disaster Relief” to find immediate support for businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Small Business Needs Assessment - The Economic Development Department connected with Austin's small business community through a Small Business Needs Assessment.  Participants provided insights on learning preferences, business growth needs, and pandemic impacts. Read the Small Business Needs Assessment overview and results.