APD works closely with local wrecker companies to service the citizens of Austin at collision scenes or when a car breaks down on the road. Additionally, each morning and evening Monday-Friday (except major holidays), APD manages the TIM’s program, which allows citizens who break down on one of the major roadways listed to be towed to a place of safety free of charge off of the major highway. These wreckers are dispatched using GPS data, and the nearest tow truck will respond. The major roadways include, IH-35, MoPac Expressway, and Hwy 183 as part of our Rush Hour Zone program.
To ensure that the companies that participate in our programs meet safety standards, each truck is inspected yearly and issued a license. Each tow truck driver must pass a background check to receive a City wrecker license. Additionally, the tow companies are subject to monthly and quarterly compliance checks.
The Wrecker Enforcement Detectives investigate all crimes of towing ordinance violation. They issue citations, testify in court, and build cases where crimes have been committed. The hot spots of vehicles being towed from private property are downtown and near the UT campus. If you feel that your car was towed illegally, please call 3-1-1 and file a police report for “wrecker ordinance violation.”
APD works with the citizens, the towing industry, and City Council to provide the greatest service possible to the public.
Wrecker Enforcement FAQ's
How do I know where my car was towed to?
If your car was towed from a parking lot, red & white signs should be posted at the entrance/exit with the name and phone number of the wrecker company who tows from that lot. Please call that number for more information about your vehicle or you may visit www.search.autoreturn.com. For vehicles towed from a public road, please call 3-1-1 with your vehicle information, or you can visit www.search.autoreturn.com.
What do I do if I think my car was towed illegally?
Call 3-1-1 and file a police report for “wrecker ordinance violation.” Pay to get your car out of impound and request a hearing with the local Justice of the Peace to potentially recoup your money. You can also contact the state agency that regulates towing, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (“TDLR”) at 1-800-803-9202. After you have made a police report, the case will be assigned to a Detective, and they will be in contact with you.