Interactive Sidewalk Program Project Map
The Sidewalk Program Projects Map showcases active sidewalk and curb ramp projects. It provides the most up-to-date information available on scheduled sidewalk and curb ramp projects in Austin. It also allows the user to turn on a layer showing completed sidewalk projects since 2011. Click the image below to see what sidewalk projects are scheduled to start construction in the next six months.
About Sidewalk Project Funding
New sidewalks are funded by private development and through the City of Austin's Capital Project Delivery projects. When a new private development project is constructed, the developer is required to provide sidewalks. This requirement also applies to most redevelopment projects. City capital improvement projects that involve full reconstruction also usually include sidewalk and pedestrian improvements.
Additionally, there are standalone sidewalk construction and rehabilitation projects. The Sidewalk Program relies on a variety of funding sources to implement sidewalk improvements, including but not limited to, voter-approved bonds, Quarter-Cent funds, Fee in Lieu, state and federal grants, and more.
The projects depicted in the map above include all Sidewalk Program projects, regardless of funding source.
About Project Selection
The Sidewalk Plan helps the City of Austin determine which sidewalk projects will receive funding. The plan outlines an equity based scoring matrix to guide project selection. Using this decision matrix, the Sidewalk Program’s limited budget is used to achieve maximum benefits. For more comprehensive information about the scoring matrix, see Section 3 of the 2016 Sidewalk Plan.
For a complete list of sidewalks funded for construction within the next year, visit the Mobility Annual Plan.
Sidewalk repairs, curb ramps, and new sidewalks can be requested by calling Austin 3-1-1, online, or by using the Austin 3-1-1 app. Please provide the location and extent of the requested improvements. If you provide your contact information, City of Austin staff will follow up and provide feedback about funding availability.