Submit an anonymous tip
If you have information about a crime, your anonymous tip could help law enforcement in the fight against crime. Tipsters always remain anonymous and could be eligible for a cash reward. You can submit your tip to Austin Crime Stoppers in three ways - online, in the app, or by phone at 512-472-8477. To submit an online tip to Austin Crime Stoppers, click the "Submit a tip" button, scroll down the Crime Stoppers page, and select the online form, or download the app.
Other ways to help
Submit a tip to the Austin Police Department TIPS Hotline at 512-472-TIPS (8477)
Submit a tip to Texas Crime Stoppers online or at 1-800-252-TIPS (8477)
About Capital Area Crime Stoppers
Capital Area Crime Stoppers is a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization assisting local law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime. This means that your contributions are tax-deductible. Your community Crime Stoppers program is funded by private donations. The program's reward money comes from tax-deductible donations by concerned citizens and businesses.