Search APD's CrimeViewer
CrimeViewer is a web mapping application that accesses crime information from APD’s police reports database. You can search by neighborhood, type of crime, and other geographic boundaries. Please note that the results in the CrimeViewer map may be better viewed on a tablet or computer.
Search Tips
Once on the CrimeViewer Database:
- Click the "Address, Intersection & Street Search" icon to search by those parameters.
- Click the "Crime Search" icon to search by address, zip code, and similar factors.
- Click the "Thematic Reports" icon to search by type of crime by year, district, and other points.
- About the data
- Data consists of specific Part I crimes (murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft, auto theft, and arson) and Part II crimes (all other offenses) that would be of major concern to residents.
- Data provided represents only calls for police service where a formal, written report was made and does not include other calls for police service that did not result in a written report.
- This data includes unfounded offenses, meaning that after further investigation, the police determined that the reported offense did not occur (unfounded reports comprise approximately 3-5% of all reported offenses).
- Data is updated monthly. Therefore, it represents information at a particular point in time and does not mirror the dynamic nature of the Austin Police Department database.
- Totals may vary considerably from official totals following investigation and final categorization. Therefore, the data should not be used for comparisons with Uniform Crime Report statistics.
- Any differences between offenses reported in this report and the Uniform Crime Report are due to differences in time of report, reporting requirements, and the inclusion of unfounded cases.
- Due to changes in the computerized programs that capture statistical data, caution should be used when comparing data to prior years.
- "Non-Indexed" crime includes all other crimes. These crimes include simple assaults, forgery, weapon violations, drugs, criminal mischief, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, various city ordinances, and many others.
- "Total Indexed" crime is not a cross total of the individual type crimes listed on the report. Criminal negligent homicide and involuntary manslaughter are not included under the "Murder" heading. However, they are considered indexed crimes and are included in the Total Indexed Crimes column.
- How to use this information
Don't rely on statistics alone. Statistics can lead to false impressions. For example, locations near shopping centers or commercial property may appear to have a high crime rate simply because of minor shoplifting cases.
Gather a variety of information. Visit neighborhoods and observe the surroundings. Are the homes and yards well-maintained? Are residents walking with children or pets? Are children playing unsupervised? If so, residents probably feel safe. Are burglar bars frequently used? If so, residents have probably experienced significant crime. Talk to residents or contact neighborhood associations for more information.