Using the tool
My Schedule gives you a personalized collection calendar for all residential curbside services. You can:
- add your schedule to Google, iCal, or Outlook
- print your schedule
- sign up for text, email, or phone call reminders and alerts
- schedule a collection
Use the tool here or download the Austin Recycles app for your Apple or Android device.
Multifamily units
If you live in a multifamily unit (such as a condo or townhome) that has Austin Resource Recovery curbside services, please search for your address without your unit designator. For example, search for 123 Main St. (not 123A Main St. or 123 Main St. Unit 2). If you still cannot access your schedule, select Report a problem in the app to send us your information.
Holiday slide days
If your collection day falls on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day or New Year's Day – or if it falls after the holiday in the same week – it slides to one day later. If the holiday falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, your collection day will not slide.