Get Disaster Ready

By: Amy Moosman

September is National Preparedness Month. Are you disaster ready? Austin Resource Recovery (ARR) can provide information and resources to help you:  

  • Dispose of your used and old emergency kit batteries 

  • Remove flammable materials from the vicinity of your home 

  • Remove expired pesticides, old cleaning chemicals and oils from inside your home 

Batteries in a bucket to be recycled


First, emergency kits help protect you and your family. Keep one anywhere you might get stranded during an emergency. Include enough food, water and medical supplies for your needs to last for at least 72 hours. Don’t forget to include batteries and chargers! That is where ARR can help. 

Replace old, used batteries with new ones to charge your devices through an emergency. Don’t throw old batteries in the trash. Instead, schedule an appointment to drop them off to be recycled at the Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Center (RRDOC). Or, take them to any location that accepts used batteries.  

Large brush being collected

Second, check to see that your home and the property around it is clear of materials that catch fire easily. Clean roofs and gutters of dead leaves and debris that could catch embers. Move materials away from outside walls, like mulch, flammable plants, leaves and needles, firewood piles. 

ARR customers can place leaves and yard trimmings in their green composting cart. Extra material can be set out in kraft paper bags or in a small reusable container (no more than 33 gallons).  

Customers also receive twice-per-year curbside collection of large brush. Use the My Schedule tool to find your next scheduled pick-up. Missed your last curbside collection of brush or have material you need to recycle now? Austin and Travis County residents can drop off brush at the Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant

Old paint

Finally, September is also a great time to dispose of other old household hazardous materials you no longer need. Things like pesticides, cleaners or oils can be taken by appointment to the RRDOC.  

Make sure ARR is part of your disaster preparation. Together, we can be ready for the next emergency. 
