2021 Meetings: Page 3 of 6
2021 Meetings: Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission
Reuniones del 2013: Comision Ciudadana Independiente de Redistritacion
Meeting documents are also available for:
September 1, 2021
Regular Meeting of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission / Reunion Regular de la Comision Ciudadana Independiente de Redistritacion - This regular meeting will follow a hybrid format (virtual and in-person). Please see agenda for details.

August 27, 2021
Regular Meeting of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission / Reunion Regular de la Comision Ciudadana Independiente de Redistritacion - This public forum for all districts will be held via videoconference. Please see agenda for details.

August 25, 2021
Regular Meeting of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission / Reunion Regular de la Comision Ciudadana Independiente de Redistritacion - This regular meeting will be held via videoconference. Please see agenda for details.

August 21, 2021
Regular Meeting of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission / Reunion Regular de la Comision Ciudadana Independiente de Redistritacion - This public forum for all districts will be held via videoconference. Please see agenda for details.

August 18, 2021
Regular Meeting of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission / Reunion Regular de la Comision Ciudadana Independiente de Redistritacion - This regular meeting will be held via videoconference. Please see agenda for details.

August 17, 2021
Regular Meeting of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission / Reunion Regular de la Comision Ciudadana Independiente de Redistritacion - District 5 public forum will be held via videoconference. Please see agenda for details.

August 14, 2021
Regular Meeting of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission / Reunion Regular de la Comision Ciudadana Independiente de Redistritacion - District 1 public forum will be held at George Carver Washington Museum. Please see agenda for details.

August 11, 2021
Regular Meeting of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission / Reunion Regular de la Comision Ciudadana Independiente de Redistritacion - This regular meeting will be held via videoconference. Please see agenda for details.

2021 Meetings: Page 3 of 6
Page updated: 4/6/2023