2024 Campaign Finance Reports
Reports Filed by Council Members and Candidates
January 15 / July 15 / 30th Day Before Election / 8th Day Before Election / Runoff / Pre-Election Report (Schedule ATX.7) / Final
Reports Filed by Committees
January 15 / July 15 / 30th Day Before Election / 8th Day Before Election / Runoff / Monthly Campaign Finance Report / Dissolution / Report of Direct Campaign Expenditures (Schedule ATX.1) / Pre-Election Report (Schedule ATX.7) / Report of Covered Transfers Supporting Direct Campaign Expenditures (Schedule ATX.8) / Other
Reports Filed by Council Members and Candidates
January 15
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
Alter, Alison B. |
1/3/2024 |
Alter, Ryan J. |
1/16/2024 |
Bautista, Edwin |
1/15/2024 |
Chincanchan, David |
1/16/2024 |
Duchen, Marc |
1/16/2024 |
Ellis, Paige |
1/15/2024 |
Fuentes, Christian Vanessa |
1/16/2024 |
1/18/2024 |
Ganguly, Ashika |
1/16/2024 |
Harper-Madison, Natasha N. |
1/12/2024 |
Herrin III, Louis C. |
1/13/2024 |
Kelly, Mackenzie |
1/16/2024 |
Laine, Krista M. |
1/16/2024 |
Nguyen, Pierre |
1/22/2024 |
Pool, Leslie |
1/3/2024 |
Powell, Adam C. |
1/12/2024 |
Qadri, Zohaib "Zo" |
1/11/2024 |
Siegel, Mike |
1/11/2024 |
1/16/2024 |
Tovo, Kathryne Beth |
1/14/2024 |
Vela, Jose "Chito", III |
1/16/2024 |
Velasquez, Jose |
1/16/2024 |
Virden, Jennifer M. |
1/14/2024 |
Watson, Kirk P. |
1/16/2024 |
12/2/2024 |
Reports Filed by Council Members and Candidates
July 15
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
Alter, Alison B. |
6/15/2024 |
Alter, Ryan J. |
7/15/2024 |
Bautista, Edwin |
7/15/2024 |
Chincanchan, David |
7/15/2024 |
Duchen, Marc |
7/15/2024 |
Ellis, Paige |
7/15/2024 |
Fuentes, Christian Vanessa |
7/15/2024 |
Ganguly, Ashika |
7/15/2024 |
7/15/2024 |
Greco, Douglas |
7/15/2024 |
Guzman, Monica A. |
7/29/2024 |
Harper-Madison, Natasha N. |
7/14/2024 |
Herrin III, Louis C. |
7/14/2024 |
Kelly, Mackenzie |
7/15/2024 |
Laine, Krista M. |
7/15/2024 |
Llanes-Pulido, Carmen D. |
7/14/2024 |
8/1/2024 |
Nguyen, Pierre |
7/22/2024 |
Pool, Leslie |
6/28/2024 |
Powell, Adam C. |
7/8/2024 |
Qadri, Zohaib "Zo" |
7/15/2024 |
Shaw, Todd W. |
7/11/2024 |
10/8/2024 |
Siegel, Mike |
7/11/2024 |
7/14/2024 |
Tovo, Kathryne Beth |
7/15/2024 |
Vela, Jose "Chito", III |
7/15/2024 |
Velasquez, Jose |
7/8/2024 |
Virden, Jennifer M. |
7/15/2024 |
Watson, Kirk P. |
7/15/2024 |
12/2/2024 |
Reports Filed by Council Members and Candidates
30th Day Before Election
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
Bautista, Edwin |
10/7/2024 |
Bledsoe, Gary |
10/7/2024 |
Bowen, Jeffery L. |
10/7/2024 |
Duchen, Marc |
10/7/2024 |
Fuentes, Christian Vanessa |
10/7/2024 |
Ganguly, Ashika |
10/7/2024 |
Greco, Douglas |
10/7/2024 |
Guzman, Monica A. |
10/7/2024 |
10/8/2024 |
Herrin III, Louis C. |
10/7/2024 |
Kelly, Mackenzie |
10/7/2024 |
Laine, Krista M. |
10/7/2024 |
Llanes-Pulido, Carmen D. |
10/7/2024 |
Nguyen, Pierre |
10/7/2024 |
Powell, Adam C. |
10/7/2024 |
Reynolds, Robert E. |
10/8/2024 |
Shaw, Todd W. |
10/6/2024 |
Siegel, Mike |
10/7/2024 |
10/7/2024 |
Tovo, Kathryne Beth |
10/7/2024 |
11/21/2024 |
Vela, Jose "Chito", III |
10/7/2024 |
Watson, Kirk P. |
10/7/2024 |
12/2/2024 |
Reports Filed by Council Members and Candidates
8th Day Before Election
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
Bautista, Edwin |
10/29/2024 |
Bledsoe, Gary |
10/28/2024 |
Bowen, Jeffery L. |
10/28/2024 |
Duchen, Marc |
10/28/2024 |
Fuentes, Christian Vanessa |
10/27/2024 |
11/3/2024 |
Ganguly, Ashika |
10/28/2024 |
Greco, Douglas |
10/28/2024 |
Guzman, Monica A. |
10/29/2024 |
10/30/2024 |
Herrin III, Louis C. |
10/28/2024 |
Kelly, Mackenzie |
10/28/2024 |
Laine, Krista M. |
10/28/2024 |
Llanes-Pulido, Carmen D. |
10/28/2024 |
Nguyen, Pierre |
10/29/2024 |
Powell, Adam C. |
10/27/2024 |
Reynolds, Robert E. |
11/12/2024 |
Shaw, Todd W. |
10/28/2024 |
Siegel, Mike |
10/28/2024 |
Tovo, Kathryne Beth |
10/28/2024 |
11/21/2024 |
Vela, Jose "Chito", III |
10/28/2024 |
Watson, Kirk P. |
10/28/2024 |
Reports Filed by Council Members and Candidates
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
Bledsoe, Gary |
12/6/2024 |
Siegel, Mike |
12/6/2024 |
12/10/2024 12/10/2024 |
Reports Filed by Council Members and Candidates
Pre-Election Report (Schedule ATX.7)
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Bledsoe, Gary |
12/11/2024 |
Siegel, Mike |
12/11/2024 |
Watson, Kirk P. |
10/31/2024 |
Reports Filed by Council Members and Candidates
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
Bautista, Edwin |
11/19/2024 |
Griffith, Idona J. |
6/27/2024 |
Guzman, Monica A. |
1/22/2024 |
Nguyen, Pierre |
10/7/2024 10/29/2024 |
Reynolds, Robert E. |
11/12/2024 |
Reports Filed by Committees
January 15
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
Austin Board of Realtors PAC |
1/16/2024 |
Austinites for Equity |
1/16/2024 |
Carollo Engineers Inc. PAC |
1/12/2024 |
City Accountability Project |
1/12/2024 |
Committee for Even Minimally Sane and Rational Government |
1/15/2024 |
Equity Action |
1/16/2024 |
Grow Austin Parks |
1/15/2024 |
SafeTX Political Action Committee |
3/1/2024 |
Save Austin Now PAC |
1/16/2024 |
Save Zilker Park PAC |
1/12/2024 |
Sensible Transportation Solutions for Austin |
1/15/2024 |
Stonewall Democrats of Austin |
1/15/2024 |
Reports Filed by Committees
July 15
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
Austin Board of Realtors PAC |
7/14/2024 |
Austinites for Equity |
7/15/2024 |
Carollo Engineers Inc. PAC |
7/12/2024 |
City Accountability Project |
7/15/2024 |
Committee for Even Minimally Sane and Rational Government |
7/12/2024 |
Grow Austin Parks |
7/14/2024 |
SafeTX Political Action Committee |
7/15/2024 |
Save Austin Now PAC |
7/27/2024 |
Save Lost Creek PAC |
7/15/2024 |
Sensible Transportation Solutions for Austin |
7/12/2024 |
Reports Filed by Committees
30th Day Before Election
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
Austin Board of Realtors PAC |
10/7/2024 |
Austin DSA Public Power PAC |
10/5/2024 |
Austin Leadership PAC |
10/7/2024 |
Austin Progress PAC |
10/7/2024 |
Austin United PAC |
10/7/2024 |
Austinites for Equity |
10/7/2024 |
City Accountability Project |
10/7/2024 |
SafeTX Political Action Committee |
10/7/2024 |
Save Lost Creek PAC |
4/4/2024 9/16/2024 |
Vibrant Austin PAC |
10/7/2024 |
Reports Filed by Committees
8th Day Before Election
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
All for Austin |
10/30/2024 |
Austin Board of Realtors PAC |
10/28/2024 |
Austin DSA Public Power PAC |
10/28/2024 |
Austin Leadership PAC |
10/28/2024 |
Austin Progress PAC |
10/28/2024 |
Austin United PAC |
10/28/2024 |
Austin Young Democrats |
10/28/2024 |
Austinites for Equity |
10/28/2024 |
Carollo Engineers Inc. PAC |
10/28/2024 |
City Accountability Project |
10/28/2024 |
10/29/2024 |
Equity Action |
10/28/2024 |
Free Zilker Coalition |
10/26/2024 |
SafeTX Political Action Committee |
10/28/2024 |
Save Lost Creek PAC |
5/1/2024 |
Vibrant Austin PAC |
10/28/2024 |
Reports Filed by Committees
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
Austin Board of Realtors PAC |
12/6/2024 |
Austin DSA Public Power PAC |
12/5/2024 |
Austin United PAC |
12/9/2024 |
Austinites for Equity |
12/6/2024 |
Protect Austin PAC |
12/6/2024 |
Vibrant Austin PAC |
12/6/2024 |
12/6/2024 |
Reports Filed by Committees
Monthly Campaign Finance Report
Reports Filed by Committees
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
Save Lost Creek PAC |
9/16/2024 |
Save Zilker Park PAC |
1/12/2024 |
Reports Filed by Committees
Report of Direct Campaign Expenditures (Schedule ATX.1)
Formerly "Independent Expenditures Not by a Candidate"
Filed By |
Date Filed |
2040 PAC, inc. |
10/30/2024 11/1/2024 11/5/2024 |
Austin Board of Realtors PAC |
10/17/2024 10/23/2024 10/29/2024 12/12/2024 |
Austin Leadership PAC |
10/24/2024 10/31/2024 11/4/2024 |
11/4/2024 |
Austin United PAC |
10/3/2024 10/11/2024 10/19/2024 10/26/2024 10/30/2024 11/13/2024 11/15/2024 12/13/2024 |
Austinites for Equity |
11/22/2024 12/9/2024 |
Protect Austin PAC |
12/3/2024 12/9/2024 |
The Real Estate Council of Austin, Inc. Advancing Democracy PAC |
10/23/2024 10/29/2024 |
Vibrant Austin PAC |
10/17/2024 10/28/2024 10/30/2024 10/31/2024 11/4/2024 |
Reports Filed by Committees
Pre-Election Report (Schedule ATX.7)
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Austin Board of Realtors PAC |
10/29/2024 12/12/2024 |
Austin Leadership PAC |
10/31/2024 11/4/2024 |
Vibrant Austin PAC |
10/28/2024 10/30/2024 10/31/2024 11/4/2024 12/12/2024 |
Reports Filed by Committees
Report of Covered Transfers Supporting Direct Campaign Expenditures (Schedule ATX.8)
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
Vibrant Austin PAC |
12/12/2024 |
12/9/2024 |
Reports Filed by Committees
Filed By |
Date Filed |
Correction Filed |
SafeTX Political Action Committee |
9/5/2024 |
Return to Campaign Finance Reports
Page updated: 12/13/2024