The City of Austin’s Project Connect Office collaborates with other City departments and our partners, the Austin Transit Partnership and CapMetro, to implement the Project Connect program.

Project Connect will expand and improve Austin's transit network, adding new light rail lines, four new CapMetro Rapid lines, and more services across the city. It is included in the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan and will support Austin in reaching our mobility, affordability, and sustainability goals.

PC lockup

The Project Connect Office provides the Austin Transit Partnership with technical support and other services needed to manage the design and construction of Project Connect infrastructure projects. Our staff helps coordinate the City’s participation in design reviews, utility coordination, permitting, and environmental processes, ensuring the program’s continued progress.

The City’s Housing Department leads the management and investment of $300M in funding for anti-displacement programming.


Project Connect icon 2The Austin Transit Partnership

Learn more about the Austin Transit Partnership, and find opportunities to view and participate in ATP Board Meetings and community engagement events:

Project Connect iconGet Involved with Project Connect

Project Connect is a community effort. Get Involved!


The History of Project Connect

In November 2020, voters approved a property tax rate dedicating 8.75 cents of the operations and maintenance portion of the City's tax rate for Project Connect. This tax revenue is transferred to the Austin Transit Partnership, a local government corporation created by the City and CapMetro to design and construct Project Connect.

The City’s Project Connect Office is funded through these tax dollars. To learn more about what was voted on, visit the 2020 Mobility Elections webpage.

In June 2023, the Austin City Council and the boards of both CapMetro and the Austin Transit Partnership approved the implementation plan for Austin Light Rail, setting the course for planning, design, and construction of Austin’s future light rail system.