The Environmental Vector Control program provides education, information and ideas on techniques that can be used by individual property owners to mitigate or eradicate mosquitoes and rodents on their property. 

Mosquitoes | RodentsBees & Stinging Insects | Bats


photo of a mosquito

Mosquitoes may harbor several diseases that contribute to outbreaks of Zika, West Nile, dengue fever, encephalitis and canine heartworm.

Effective mosquito control helps to control mosquito populations to prevent or reduce these outbreaks and enhance the enjoyment of outdoor activities by everyone in the community.

Arbovirus Surveillance Map:

Mosquitoes are present in Central Texas year-round, but the population is largest and most active from May through November. During this period, Austin Public Health monitors the population and tests for mosquito-borne viruses. Those that carry West Nile Virus (WNV) are of particular concern. One West Nile virus death and three probable West Nile virus cases were reported in Austin-Travis County in 2023.

A map of Travis County by zip code, highlights zip codes where positive West Nile Virus pools have been found.

Here are a few things you can do to protect yourself from mosquitoes. 

Drain standing water. 

Mosquitoes grow in standing water. They breed fast – in just a few days, they can lay hundreds of eggs. Once a week, empty and scrub, turn over, cover or throw out containers that hold water, including: 

  • Tires  
  • Pet water bowls 
  • Containers and buckets 
  • Planters 
  • Toys 
  • Birdbaths 
  • Flowerpot saucers  
  • Trash containers 
  • Rain barrels 

Protect yourself by applying insect repellent. 

Use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents with one of the active ingredients below. When used as directed, EPA-registered insect repellents are proven to be safe and effective, even for pregnant and breastfeeding people. Repellents include: 

  • DEET  
  • Picaridin (known as KBR 3023 and icaridin outside the US)  
  • IR3535  
  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE)  
  • Para-menthane-diol (PMD)  
  • 2-undecanone  
  • Find the right insect repellent for you by using the EPA’s search tool

Dress to Protect  

Wear long pants and long sleeves when you’re outside, especially in places with high mosquito activity.   

Mosquito Guides


Rodents, particularly rats, are responsible for a substantial amount of property damage and may transmit diseases, such as Murine typhus, plague, salmonellosis, trichinosis, leptospirosis, and rat-bite fever.

photo of a rat

Code violations: Code violations such as tall weeds/grass, trash, or debris, may contribute to a rodent problem.

  • To report violations call us at 3-1-1 or online.

Report a problem with rodents

Bees and Stinging Insects

City Ordinance Chapter 3-6 regulates the maintenance and management of bee colonies within Austin city limits. Chapter 3-6 does not apply to wild colonies that have established themselves in naturally protected places, such as tree hollows, tree stumps, or any other location uncharacteristic of conventional beekeeping activity.

The City of Austin does not provide services for the removal, relocation, or eradication of bees due to State regulations related to bees.  The City of Austin does not provide a referral list for providers of bee services and is not affiliated with any one provider. However, the City of Austin advocates the removal and relocation of bees in lieu of eradication whenever possible.


Austin houses the largest urban bat colony in North America. While bats contribute greatly to our ecosystem, it is important to be safe when encountering them.

For information about potential rabies exposure see Austin Public Health's Rabies Exposure Information

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