The Health Department provides many health screening services, including tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS.
The City of Austin's Office of Vital Records registers births and deaths that occur within the full purpose city limits of Austin. Here is everything you need to get a birth or death certificate at the Office of Vital Records.
Austin Public Health offers free or low-cost vaccines for children and adults who qualify. Learn how to get vaccines for you and your family.
Through the support of Austin Public Health, free diabetes prevention and management classes are offered in multiple locations, including virtually, for Austin/Travis County residents.
Code violations such as tall weeds/grass, trash, or debris, may contribute to a rodent problem. Report rats and other rodent issues to Austin 3-1-1.
Smoking in public places is not allowed in Austin. To report violations, call 3-1-1 or complete the online complaint form. Reports can be made anonymously.
If you think that something you ate at an Austin/Travis County restaurant made you sick, fill out our online survey. Austin Public Health staff will examine your report and investigate if needed.
The difference between art and graffiti is permission. You can report illegal graffiti or tagging in progress online, with the Austin 3-1-1 mobile app, or by calling 3-1-1.
All public and semi-public aquatic facilities must meet safety guidelines before use. Here, you'll find out what needs to be done to pass a safety inspection and get a permit to operate.
The Neighborhood Centers can help low- and moderate-income families in need with free services, including food assistance, job search help, health screenings, fans, and more.