The funding provided to local community-based organizations focuses on services for the client. When we support well-being we ensure that everyone can reach their potential and contribute to the community. Programs must be evidence-based, research-based, or promising practices which promote self-sufficiency across a life continuum, from birth to old age.
The Austin Healthy Adolescent (AHA) Program engages, empowers, and collaborates with communities across Travis County to support youth in taking ownership of their own health and working to advance the health of their communities.
Austin Moves! is a free 6-week walking program, facilitated by the City of Austin’s Austin Public Health (APH) Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention Unit.
The Austin Moves! program is led by community members such as Walking Group Leaders (WGLs).
Walking Group Leaders (WGLs) lead 3 or more people per group, to walk 2 times a week for 6 weeks around their neighborhood and/or community.
The goal of Austin Moves is to encourage physical activity, promote self-empowerment, and create social connections through walking with others.
The vision of the Central Texas Diabetes Coalition is to have a Central Texas community that is empowered to prevent and manage diabetes.
In partnership with the Austin/Travis County Success By Six Coalition, the City works to ensure families have access to high-quality early learning options that meet their needs. Additionally, the City works with Texas Rising Star 4-Star providers through Workforce Solutions Capital Area Child Care Services (CCS) to provide subsidized child care for eligible families.
The Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention (CDIP) program works to promote health and quality of life throughout Austin and Travis County by working within the community to prevent and control disease. To learn more about Injury Prevention, please visit our Injury Prevention page
Health begins where we live, learn, work, and play. Our opportunity for health starts long before we need medical care. All Americans should have the opportunity to make the choices that allow them to live a long, healthy life, regardless of income, education, or ethnic background. (Source: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)
Public Health and Human Services 1115 Waiver Transformation Projects
Using federal dollars, the City of Austin is improving the health outcomes of our community. Through the 1115 funding source, projects enhance access to health care, increase quality of care, or increase the cost-effectiveness of care and the health of the patient and families served.
The Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program (DSRIP) uses federal monies to support programs that improve the health of citizens in our community, and that enhance the health experience and outcomes of individuals.
The 78744 Community Youth Development Program is a state-funded program that provides an array of juvenile delinquency prevention services to support families and enhance the positive development of youth only in the 78744 zip code.
The epidemiology and disease surveillance unit monitors the incidence of confirmed and probable cryptosporidiosis cases reported and issues periodic updates of the status of the investigations.
The current Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak is centered Uganda, although there is the potential for further spread to neighboring African countries. Ebola does not pose a significant risk to the U.S. public. There are no known cases of Ebola in the Austin/Travis County area.
Austin Public Health is a great department to join. We are proud of our diverse workforce and the work they do. Employees at all levels are selected based on their qualifications, skills, and abilities.
The Environmental Vector Control program provides education, information and ideas on techniques that can be used by individual property owners to mitigate or eradicate mosquitoes and rodents on their property.
Disease surveillance is at the heart of a public health system. It is used to monitor disease trends over time, to detect disease outbreaks, and to increase our knowledge of risk factors that contribute to disease development.
This program works with operators to ensure food safety within fixed food establishments. These establishments undergo routine inspection to ensure they meet safety standards and employ staff that are properly trained and credentialed. Types of fixed food establishments include: restaurants, warehouses, convenience stores, food manufacturers, and food wholesalers.
Influenza, known as “the flu,” is a contagious respiratory illness caused by a virus. Most people will have mild illness, but some cases can result in hospitalization or even death.
Austin Public Health conducts the permitting and inspection of more than 4,000 food establishments in Austin, several local municipalities and rural Travis County. Food establishments should be inspected twice a year. If unable to be inspected at this frequency, then inspections are prioritized by risk.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that roughly one in six Americans (or 48 million people) get sick, 128,000 visit the hospital, and 3,000 die of foodborne diseases every year. Personnel training programs serve to educate employees in food safety techniques and the prevention of foodborne illness.
The Food Protection system promotes health and prevents disease through education, training, and regulation, in partnership with operators and employees of the nearly 5,000 food service establishments in Austin and Travis County.
The City of Austin is partnering with Farmshare Austin, the Sustainable Food Center, and other partners to offer fresh, affordable, convenient, and nutritious food.
The Health Equity Unit (HEU) provides community-based programs and services to ensure all our residents have the opportunity to reach their full health potential no matter their race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, immigration status, or income level.
Austin Public Offers Hepatitis immunizations for people who are uninsured, under-insured, or Medicaid recipients.
Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease that results from infection with the Hepatitis A virus. It can range in severity from a mild illness lasting a few weeks to a severe illness lasting several months. Hepatitis A is usually spread when a person ingests fecal matter — even in microscopic amounts — from contact with objects, food, or drinks contaminated by the feces, or stool, of an infected person.
Getting tested is the most important thing you can do for yourself and for others in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Knowing your status empowers you to make informed decisions.
The HIV Resources Administration (HRA) is responsible for procuring HIV/AIDS primary medical care, treatment, and health-related support services for the City of Austin-funded HIV Prevention and Care Services, as well as multiple federal grants, including Ryan White Part A and the Minority AIDS initiative, Ryan White Part C, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS.
Austin Public Health offers immunizations to children who are uninsured or Medicaid recipients. Services are also available to uninsured adults.
The injury prevention program works to improve public health by taking actions to prevent injuries before they happen. The program works with partners in the community to incorporate injury prevention efforts into their ongoing programs.
The City of Austin's graffiti initiative, Make Art Not Marks, increases awareness and education about graffiti in our community, including how to report and remove illegal graffiti. It also provides opportunities for local artists to nurture the creative culture that thrives in Austin.
The Maternal Infant Outreach Program (MIOP) team consists of DSHS Certified Community Health Workers (CHWs) with direct lived experience who provide psychosocial support to Black and African American women in Travis County. MIOP CHWs are paired with expecting mothers and provide one-on-one support through home visits, navigation of social services, and overall maternal and infant health education through a reproductive justice lens.
Children should receive their first dose of MMR vaccine between 12 and 15 months of age, another dose at 4-6 years of age. MMR vaccine is generally first given at 12 months of age in the United States but is sometimes recommended for children as young as six months of age who are traveling outside the United States or could be infected in an outbreak.
This program ensures proper food safety at all mobile food establishments, such as food trailers, motor vehicles, pushcarts, and kiosks.
Mom’s Place Lactation Support Center is a specialized breastfeeding support clinic and training center where mothers can receive breastfeeding assistance.
Mosquitoes are among the most important insect pests affecting the health of people. They are not just annoying; they can also transmit many diseases. A rainy spring proceeded by a mild winter, can lead to an active mosquito season.
Mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) is a viral disease that spreads by close contact. Anyone can get mpox regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Current situation
Visit austintexas.gov/recovery for Multi-Agency Resource Center (MARC) information.
The Office of Violence Prevention (OVP) brings new possibilities for safety by implementing targeted, contextualized, data-informed, and community driven programs where they are needed most.
The Office of Vital Records (OVR) registers and maintains births, deaths and fetal deaths that occur within the full purpose city limits of Austin.
A pandemic is a global disease outbreak. A flu pandemic occurs when a new virus emerges and people have little or no immunity to the virus.
Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by bacteria. It is known for uncontrollable, violent coughing which often makes it hard to breathe.
Opioids are drugs used in the treatment of pain. As prescribed by a doctor, opioids can help patients in recovery. Opioids present a risk as they can become addictive. Regular use of opioids can lead to increased tolerance and dependence, which leads to seeking stronger, more frequent doses. You should only use opioids prescribed to you by your doctor.
Regulations and ordinances play a critical role in reducing illness and improving health in the general population.
Regulations and ordinances play a critical role in reducing illness and improving health in the general population.
Under a federal grant from the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the Refugee Health Screening Clinic provides services to refugees relocating to the Austin/Travis County area. Services are also provided to asylees (individuals who are allowed to stay permanently in safety in the United States), Cubans and Hattians who enter the US under the Cuban Adjustment Act, Special Immigration Visas and Certified Victims of Human Trafficking. Clients are eligible for one year after their date of arrival.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are common, and many people get them at some point in their lives. STIs pass from one person to another through vaginal, oral, and anal sex. It’s important to get tested, as STIs may not show symptoms. You can have one without knowing and pass it on. Regular testing can help you spot an STI and get treatment early on.
The Smoking Ordinance prohibits smoking in most public places and work places unless listed as an exception in the Smoking Ordinance.
This program ensures that proper food safety practices are followed at temporary events where food or beverages are served.
This program offers help if you're ready to quit smoking or using tobacco. It can also support you in making lasting changes that promote tobacco-free living where you live, work, and play.
Austin Public Health Tuberculosis Clinic at 15 Waller Street (RBJ Health Center, 1st Floor) provides evaluation, testing, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with latent TB infection and active TB disease.
Call 512-972-5460 to schedule an appointment.
Typhus prevention is directly related to flea control. The Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance Unit monitors the incidence of confirmed and probable typhus cases reported to the Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department and issues periodic updates of the status of the investigations.
Water that is fluoridated at a level optimal for oral health (as is used in Austin) poses no known health risks for infants. However, some children may develop enamel fluorosis, a cosmetic condition where faint white markings or streaks may appear on the teeth. Fluorosis can affect both baby teeth and permanent teeth while they're forming under the gums.
Mom’s Place Lactation Support Center is a specialized breastfeeding support clinic and training center where mothers can receive breastfeeding assistance.
WIC is the special supplemental nutrition program for pregnant women, new mothers and young children. Participants learn about nutrition and how to stay healthy, and receive benefits to purchase healthy foods. Services are free to those who are eligible. WIC is an equal opportunity provider.
Zika virus disease is caused by the Zika virus. It is spread to people mainly through getting bitten by an infected mosquitoes.