Have questions about attending a Fix-It Clinic? Check out these frequently asked questions.

Who can attend a Fix-It Clinic?

Anyone! Fix-It Clinic events are open to the public. All ages are welcome, but children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 

How much does it cost to attend a Fix-It Clinic?

Fix-It Clinics are free of charge, but please help the organizers plan ahead by RSVPing according to the directions on each calendar posting!

What can I bring to a Fix-It Clinic?

Up to two items in need of repair per person; a typical Fix-It Clinic will have coaches skilled at repairing clothing and textiles, jewelry, and electronics.

Is there any item I can't bring to a Fix-It Clinic?

We recommend checking the individual calendar listings and descriptions for Fix-It events, as clinics are hosted by multiple partners. However, we typically request that you not bring large appliances like refrigerators or washing machines. Appliances that contain Freon will not be serviced. 

Can I bring more than two items?

There is a two item per person per clinic limit,to ensure coaches have enough time to work with all attendees. If you have a lot of items in need of repair, consider bringing friends or family with you or supporting local repair businesses in the community! 

Can I drop off my items for the coaches to fix?

No, dropping off items for repair is not permitted. Fix-It Clinics inspire do-it-together hands-on disassembly, troubleshooting and repair knowledge. For this reason, Fix-It Clinic attendees are expected to be active participants in trying to fix their items with guidance from our coaches. Attendees should plan on staying with their items, rather than dropping off belongings in need of repair. Learning is part of the experience!

What happens if the coaches can't help me fix my item?

We cannot guarantee that the volunteer coaches will fix your broken items. However, coaches do their best to give you next steps for the repair of your item. If you have a missing button, replacement part, a fabric patch, matching thread, etc. that you suspect might help you fix your item, we request that you bring it with you. This will increase the chances that your item will be fixed; our repair kits do not include specialized parts and materials.