Austin has over 1,100 miles of storm drains that carry rainwater from our streets to our rivers. Watershed Protection crews work hard to keep the drains clear but with over 30,000 drains in the city, they cannot get to them all. We need your help!
Click on the map to start adopting your drain(s).

As a condition of my participation in the Adopt a Drain Program
I agree to:
- Clear drains at least twice a month. When possible, clear the drain before and after any rainfall.
- Clear about 10 feet on both sides of the drain.
- Stand on the sidewalk, not the street. Wear bright clothing to be visible by drivers.
- Use a rake, shovel or broom (not your hands) and sweep away from the storm drain, not into it the drain. Dispose of waste in trash bag.
- If possible, place recyclables, trash, or compostable material into your residential bins (or commercial bins if adopting near your workplace).
- Watch for traffic and don’t clear drains that are in the middle of the street.
- Call 3-1-1 if bulky trash or hazards are present in the drain. Don’t try to remove the grate and never put anything down a storm drain.
- Do not use weed killer/herbicides to rid drains of grass or plants.
- Wear gloves and never touch hazardous or medical waste (including automotive fluids and hypodermic needles). Call 311 to report hazardous materials.
- Wear appropriate footwear, sunscreen, and stay hydrated.
Recommended Tools
- Broom or Rake
- Trash Grabbers or Gloves
- Safety Vest, Orange Cone, or Bright Colored/Reflective Clothing
- Pail or Dustpan
- Yard Waste Bag. If possible, please separate your trash and recyclables.
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