The Transportation User Fee (TUF) is a fee assessed to residents and businesses based on the traffic levels generated by each dwelling unit or business. View the City of Austin Ordinance regarding the fee. 

This monthly fee, as defined in the municipal code, funds the maintenance and repair of roadways, signs, signals and markings, sidewalks and urban trails. This includes annual street resurfacing and other maintenance activities necessary for keeping Austin connected and our infrastructure in good condition. By managing and maintaining public right of way infrastructure, the City of Austin is able to save taxpayer money by intervening before full reconstruction is needed. Full street reconstruction can be costly and time-consuming, therefore preventative maintenance provided by the fee helps reduce these costs.

As part of the annual budget process, Austin City Council reviews and adjusts the fee based on current needs. Residents can expect to see the new rate go into effect during the November billing cycle. For residential customers, the fee is a variable monthly rate.

Residential Transportation User Fee Rates as of Nov. 1, 2022:
House/garage apartment $17.87
Duplex $16.28
Mobile home
Five or more units $14.06


For commercial customers, the rate is $88.66 per developed acre and then multiplied by the usage category, which is based on the type of business.

For additional billing information, call 3-1-1 or contact Austin Energy Customer Care at (512) 494-9400.

Transportation User Fee Exemptions

Residential customers may be eligible for an exemption if the person who is responsible for paying the utility bill meets one of the following criteria:

  • Age 65 or older or
  • Does not own or regularly use a private motor vehicle or
  • Property is vacant (determined automatically each month based on electric and water usage)

If you believe you are eligible for this exemption, click here to fill out the TUF Residential Exemption Request Application Online Form (preferred) or download the printable form below and email the completed residential form to

Click here to download the printable TUF Residential Exemption Request Application.

Commercial customers may be eligible for an exemption while the property is vacant. Commercial properties must notify the City when their property is no longer vacant, or every three months, whichever occurs first. The Transportation User Fee will begin billing the commercial property after six months if a new form is not received.

If you believe you are eligible for this exemption, click here to fill out the TUF Vacant Commercial Property Exemption Request Application Online Form (preferred), or download the form below and email the completed commercial form to

Click here to download the printable TUF Vacant Commercial Property Exemption Request Application.

For additional exemption information, call (512) 974-7696 or contact Austin Energy Customer Care at (512) 494-9400.