Cities Connecting Children to Nature (CCCN) is a national initiative that seeks to create more equitable and abundant access to nature in cities through a partnership between The National League of Cities Institute for Youth, Education, and Families and the Children & Nature Network. CCCN supports robust citywide action plans to implement policy, develop new partnerships, amplify nature-based programming, and create more equitable nature access. The initiative seeks to ensure that a connection to nature becomes an integral part of city priorities, planning and policymaking across a range of areas, including park access, education, community health and wellness, job creation, and land use. In order to achieve these goals and system changes, the CCCN initiative works to activate parks and greenspaces through nature play programming and installation of nature play spaces across the city. Many of CCCN's initiatives align with partner organizations' goals and missions such as the City's Strategic Direction 2028 (SD28), Climate Equity Plan, and Environment Stewardship Advisory Committee (ESAC), in addition to Austin Independent School District (AISD), Texas Children in Nature Network (TCiNN), and many more.

CCCN Annual Report 2022-2023

View or download an informational CCCN Flyer PDF here

HistoryCities Connecting Children to Nature Austin, TX

In March of 2016, the City of Austin was one of seven cities nationwide selected to receive a planning grant from the project partners for Cities Connecting Children to Nature. The grant funded a six-month strategic planning process that brought together representatives from ten city departments, AISD, the health sector and nonprofit organizations in order to create a 3-year Implementation Plan that identifies how city leadership can provide abundant and equitable access to nature for the children of Austin, with a specific focus on children in low-income communities and children of color. In October 2016, the City of Austin was awarded additional funds to execute the plan.

This planning process yielded the following long-term goals:

  • Every child has equitable and abundant access to nature at their home, neighborhood, and school.
  • Every caregiver, teacher, and health professional has been exposed to the importance of spending time in nature for a child’s healthy development. Every child considers outdoor play a top option in their free time.
  • City codes and school curricula allow and encourage kids to play outside in nature more frequently.
  • Austin is seen as an innovator and leader in the Children and Nature Movement.
  • Kids choose nature.


To achieve these goals, we conducted extensive research and mapping to identify areas of Austin with the largest gaps in nature equity. Due to the rapid growth of Austin, we updated the 2016 Nature Equity Map to reflect new data and include additional factors that impact nature equity such as transportation to parkland, facilities like libraries, public and private schools, and more. Our 2022 Nature Equity Map continues to inform us our selection of the areas where priority implementation strategies will be focused.

The creation of the The Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights (COBOR) illustrates what equitable access to nature should look like in Austin and establishes a common foundation and high aspirations for nature connection in a community. Show your support for Austin’s Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights by signing the pledge form.

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Program Contacts

Melody Alcazar: CCCN Program Manager 512-974-9466, email

Yasmine Anderson: CCCN Program Coordinator 512-974-9408, email