The City’s Bicycle Program works to make Austin an even greater city for biking. Our work is guided by the 2023 Austin Bicycle Plan. Austin is following this plan for becoming a city with a complete bike network—and a community where people of all ages and abilities experience biking as safe, comfortable, convenient and fun. We hope this website will encourage you to try biking for short trips around town. Biking is a “green” and affordable choice for transportation—and a fun way to get daily fitness in the outdoors. Austin is already designated a Gold Level Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists.

To plan a comfortable bike ride, see the online Austin Bike Map, which displays available routes by reported comfort level.

ATX Walk Bike Roll is a comprehensive effort to update Austin's Bicycle, Sidewalk and Urban Trail Plans.

Biking in Austin Bicycle Program
Bikeway Projects Bicycle Laws & Safety
Click here for neighborhood bikeways Click here for all ages and abilities network


Group of cyclists