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The ESB-MACC building is currently closed to the public. For information on the building expansion and renovation, visit MaccPhase2. Our programs are taking places at Recreation Centers, Libraries, and other sites!

See a full calendar of Museums and Cultural programs! (at various locations such as the Carver, DAC, AARC, etc)

Check our Facebook (@ESBMACC) for the most up-to-date event details. 

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 View the MACC Holistic Wellness Calendar in English & Spanish.  

MACC Holistic Wellness Program Schedule

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Holistic Wellness Program

**All classes are free & bilingual (English and Spanish) - Todas las clases son gratis y bilingües (inglès y español)** View the MACC Holistic Wellness Calendar in English/Spanish.  Contact Lorie Martinez at maccwellness@austintexas.gov


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Book Club: Leemos y Platica  (18+) Tuesdays at 6-7:30pm.

Book Club: Leemos y Plática (18+)

Tuesdays @ 6-7:30pm
Sept 10: Ruiz Branch Library - 1600 Grove Blvd, Austin TX 78741
Sept 17: Menchaca Branch Library - 5500 Menchaca Rd, Austin TX 78745
Sept 24: Cepeda Branch Library - 651 N Pleasant Valley Rd, Austin TX 78702
Join our comunidad of readers to discuss “I Am Diosa: A Journey to Healing Deep, Loving Yourself, and Coming Back Home to Soul.” We’ll share our thoughts and talk through the themes that resonate. Book is available in both English and Spanish; contains adult themes and mature language. 
Please bring your own book. Pre-registration requested. Please email maccwellness@austintexas.gov

Club de Libros - Leemos y Plática (18+)

Martes @ 6-7:30pm
10 de sept: Ruiz Branch Library
17 de sept: Menchaca Branch Library
24 de sept: Cepeda Branch Library

(18+): Acompaña a nuestra comunidad para hablar de “Yo Soy Diosa: Un viaje de profunda sanación, amor propio y regreso al alma.” Compartiremos nuestros pensamientos de los temas que nos resuenan. El libro está disponible en inglés y español; contiene temas y lenguaje para adultos. 
Por favor traiga su propio libro. Pre-registro solicitado. Por favor envie un email a maccwellness@austintexas.gov


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Cooking Demo: Meal Prep (15+) Wed, Sept 18 at Central LIbrary - Demo Area/Kitchen

Cooking Demo: Meal Prep (15+)

⏰ Wednesday, September 18 @ 6-7:30pm
📍 Central Library - Demo Area/Kitchen: 710 W Cesar Chavez St. 78701
Learn how to make delicious and nutritious burrito bowls for your weekly meal prep - using products found at your local grocery store. Tastings included! 
Pre-registration requested by Fri, September 13th.  Please email at maccwellness@austintexas.gov


Demo de Cocina: Preparación de Comidas (15+)

⏰ Jueves 8 de agosto de 5:30 a 7:30 p. m.
📍 Ruiz Library: 1600 Grove Blvd 78741
(En Exhibición del 27 de junio al 11 de agosto)

Todas las personas pueden aprovechar su energía Diosa. Participa en un plática con los artistas de nuestra exhibición comunitaria: La Diosa Energía Interior. Los artistas hablarán de sus obras y experiencias, y tú estás invitado a participar. Reflexionaremos sobre las Diosas que nos han marcado en nuestras vidas.
La plática será moderada por Maribel Falcón, Bibliotecaria de Estudios de Latina/o/x en la Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection- UT Austin. Todos los artistas y amantes del arte son bienvenidos.
Se servirán refrescos. Por favor, llegue temprano para explorar la exhibición de la comunidad antes del evento.
¿Preguntas? Envíe un email a maccwellness@austintexas.gov
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Cine de Oro: Tuesdays Sept 24 & Nov 19, 9am-12pm. Conley Guerrero Senior Activity Center

Cine de Oro

⏰ Tuesday, September 24 & November 19 @ 9am-12pm
📍 Conley-Guerrero Senior Activity Center: 808 Nile St, Austin, TX 78702
Join us for a screening of a film from the golden age of Mexican cinema. Lunch will be served.

📢🎞️Film announcement 🎞️📢In honor of Mexican Independence Day, join us at Conley-Guerrero on Tues, Sept 24 @ 9am for "¡Vámonos con Pancho Villa!" Directed by Fernanda de Fuentes. Voted the best Mexican film of all time in 1994!
"In 1914, six friends, all rancheros who sat out the Revolution, decide to do the honorable thing and join the rebel army of General Pancho Villa (Domingo Soler). As the months go by, however, their idealistic fervor is dampened by boredom, then by the savagery of combat. After two die in battle and a third is killed by friendly fire, the survivors’ patriotic zeal is slowly erased by the war’s brutality."
Film includes English subtitles.

Cine de Oro

⏰ Martes, 24 de septiembre y 19 de noviembre @ 9am-12pm
📍 Conley-Guerrero Senior Activity Center: 808 Nile St, Austin, TX 78702

Acompaña nos para la presentación de cine clásico mexicano. Se servirá el almuerzo.

📢🎞️Anuncio de la película 🎞️📢En honor al Día de la Independencia de México, únete a nosotros en Conley-Guerrero el martes 24 de septiembre a las 9 a. m. para "¡Vámonos con Pancho Villa!" Dirigida por Fernanda de Fuentes. ¡Votada como la mejor película mexicana de todos los tiempos en 1994!
En 1914, seis amigos, todos rancheros que se quedaron al margen de la Revolución, deciden hacer lo honorable y unirse al ejército rebelde del general Pancho Villa (Domingo Soler). Sin embargo, a medida que pasan los meses, su fervor idealista se ve atenuado por el aburrimiento y luego por el salvajismo del combate. Después de que dos mueren en batalla y un tercero muere por fuego amigo, el celo patriótico de los sobrevivientes es lentamente borrado por la brutalidad de la guerra.
La película incluye subtítulos en inglés.
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Volunteer Club: Habitat for Humanity (18+) Thursday, September 26 8am-4pm Montopolis Neighborhood. Pre-registration required by Thursday, Sept 12. Please email Lorie Martinez at maccwellness@austintexas.gov

Volunteer Club: Habitat for Humantity (18+)

⏰ Thursday, September 26 @ 8am-4pm
📍 Montopolis Neighborhood
Help build an affordable home and make a difference in the lives of Austin families! The Habitat team will teach us everything we need to know to be successful with the tasks at hand. The planned build schedule for the day will be focused on exterior carpentry and scaffolding. All experience levels welcome! 
Please register on the Givepulse link below by Thursday, September 12th and we will contact you with further instructions to confirm your participation:
Please email us at maccwellness@austintexas.gov if you have any questions.


Club de Vountario: Habitat for Humantity (18+)

⏰ Jueves, 26 de septiembre @ 8am-4pm
📍 Montopolis Neighborhood

¡Ayude a construir una casa asequible y marque la diferencia en la vida de las familias de Austin! El equipo de Habitat nos enseñará todo lo que necesitamos saber para tener éxito con las tareas a mano. El programa de construcción para el día se centrará en la carpintería exterior y andamios. ¡Todos los niveles de experiencia son bienvenidos! Se requiere pre-registro.

Por favor, regístrese en el enlace Givepulse antes del jueves, 12 de septiembre y nos pondremos en contacto con usted con más instrucciones para confirmar su participación:

Enlace en Givepulse

Envíenos un email a maccwellness@austintexas.gov si tiene alguna pregunta.

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Chair Yoga class participants stretching

Chair Yoga with Sana Yoga

⏰ 3rd Friday of each month @ 10:30am
📍 Yarborough Library - 2200 Hancock Dr. 78756

A gentle form of yoga that can be done seated in a chair. These modifications make yoga accessible to people with various physical abilities.
Questions? Please email at maccwellness@austintexas.gov

Yoga en Silla Sana Yoga

⏰ Viernes, 20 de septiembre @ 10:30am
📍 Yarborough Library - 2200 Hancock Dr. 78756
una forma suave de yoga que se puede hacer sentado en una silla. Estas modificaciones hacen que el yoga sea accesible para la gente con diferente capacidades físicas.
¿Preguntas? Por favor envie un email a maccwellness@austintexas.gov
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Participants Rowing on a barge

Learn to Kayak and Paddleboard (18+)

⏰ 4th Thursday of each month @ 6-7:30pm
📍 Austin Rowing Club - 74 Trinity St. Austin, TX 78701

Join us on Lady Bird Lake and paddle through the heart of Downtown Austin. 
Pre-registration required. Please email maccwellness@austintexas.gov

Aprende a Kayak and Paddleboard (18+)

⏰ Cuarto Jueves de cada mes @ 6-7:30pm
📍 Austin Rowing Club - 74 Trinity St. Austin, TX 78701
Acompáñenos por el Lady Bird Lake y reme por el corazón del centro de Austin.
Se requiere pre-registro. Por favor envie un email a maccwellness@austintexas.gov
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Chicano Classics and Bronze Band


Chicano ClassicsEmma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center & Cepeda Branch Library Present: Chicano Classics: The Art of Lowriding and Bronze Band
Saturday, September 21
Cepeda Branch Library

This event is at the Cepeda Branch Library, 651 N Pleasant Valley Rd, Austin, TX 78702.
Families-come celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in East Austin at the Cepeda Branch Library! This is a free event for all ages with Lowrider crafts, Lowrider Art by Alonso Estrada, and live music by Austin's Bronze Band!

Teachers, check out the Lowrider Lesson Plan!

Manuel Cowboy Donley Tribute

Manuel "Cowboy" Donley Tribute

Saturday, September 28
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: Parque Zaragoza, East Austin
Facebook Event Link

Join us for a heartfelt tribute to the legendary Manuel "Cowboy" Donley, featuring performances by musicians, including family members, honoring his remarkable musical arrangements. This tribute is a collaboration between The Donley Family, the ESB-MACC, the Austin Tejano Music Coalition, and is produced by Christopher Mares. We invite the public to come and celebrate the memory and music of Manuel "Cowboy" Donley. This event is funded in part by the City of Austin Cutural Arts Division.

Photo of a Viva Mexico 2022 attendee talking to a representative of the Tejano Genealogy Society of Austin

Tejano Genealogy Society of Austin

The purpose of TGSA is to foster excellence in genealogy through educational programs and projects that preserve, produce and disseminate knowledge of genealogical or historical value.Tejano Genealogy Society of Austin has monthly Saturday meetings and Thursday Study Group sessions at the Carver Genealogy Center.  The Genealogy Center is the little house facing the street.  On the right side of it is the Carver Library and behind it is the Carver Museum. It is a big complex. You will find parking in front and on the south and north sides of the complex.  If you park on the north side be prepared to do some climbing---lots of steps!  One more important thing---no food is allowed in the building, so there will be no coffee or pan dulce. - TGSA Staff

WHO: All Ages
WHEN: 1st Saturdays of the month from 10AM - 12PM
WHERE: G.W. Carver Museum & Cultural Center 1165 Angelina St, Austin, TX 78702

CONTACT: Lorie Martinez Lorie.Martinez@Austintexas.gov

The Bronze Band

The Bronze Community Band Project

Join us for this FREE music workshop every Saturday from July 20 to Aug 31, 2024!


The Bronze Community Band Project (BCBP) is a group of Austin musicians dedicated to preserving Mexican American music. Rooted in community-based practice, the project provides culturally relevant music education in the regional bajo-sexto conjunto and orquesta tradition of Mexican American heritage. The Bronze Community Band Project’s mission is to research, promote and preserve the bi-musical heritage of the Mexican American community.  

Artistic Director Robert Rivera Ojeda developed the project to give young adult to elder instrumentalists and vocalists an opportunity to: 1) increase their musicianship skills through basic music reading literacy, 2) showcase their talent, and 3) capture Mexican American music (normally passed down by oral tradition) in written notated form. 

BCBP have repeatedly taught and performed at ESB-MACC in their commitment to music preservation and community education, bridging the young and older generations. It has also collaborated with other esteemed City of Austin partners like the Oakwood Cemetery and Austin Central Library in dedication to keeping Mexican American music alive and flourishing in Austin! 

Examples of past collaborations with the Bronze Community Band Project include:

2018 - First showcase of the “Tribute To La Musica Chicana”at the Oswaldo Cantu Pan American Recreation Center.  

2019 - Received the Raza Award at the 34th Annual Dia de la Raza Celebration presented by ESB-MACC

2019 - Second showcase of the “Tribute To La Musica Chicana” at the Austin Central Library. Partly funded by the Austin Central Library, Austin Cultural Arts Division, and ESB-MACC.

2020 -  Historical presentation of Old California and Texas music (1769-1850) at the Austin Oakwood Cemetery (as part of a program called “Sacrificios”.)


Contact Robert Ojeda: robertojeda937@gmail.com
Contact Marie Ortiz marie.ortiz@austintexas.gov

Video (Below)  The BCBP presented Old California and Texas music (1769-1850) at the Austin Oakwood Cemetery as part of their program called “Sacrificios". Their music can also be found at Reverb Nation.

MACC Education Department

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Academia Cuauhtli Dancers

Academia Cuauhtli:

Academia Cuauhtli is made up of a coalition of educators and community advocates helping families explore their cultural heritage through an inclusive curriculum centering the language, art, and history of Latinx/a/o/e and Indigenous cultures. Academia Cuauhtli provides a range of free extracurricular programs, including its Saturday bilingual arts program and summer coding camp, offered in partnership with Aztech Kidz Code.

Do you want to table at this event? Fill out this form and tell us about your organization: Partner Interest Form.

Questions? Email katya.guzman@austintexas.gov

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Students of the Cosecha summer camp sit with an instructor on a bench inside the Community Gallery

with the MACC Education Department

We are proud to offer dual-language cultural arts camps during Spring and Summer breaks. In these camps, youth explore the themes of Social and Environmental Justice as they rotate through curriculum in music, dance, visual art, theatre, and puppetry. Students learn the history of social movements throughout Latinx communities while learning the importance of caring for people, the environment, and the world around us.

Details for 2025 Camps will be posted at AustinTexas.gov/SummerCamps

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Photo of an artists during the opening of the Figuralo Youth Exhibit in 2021

Figúralo: Youth Exhibit 
with the MACC Education Department 

The Youth Exhibit, Figúralo is the annual youth exhibit featuring artwork from young artists from across central Texas. Figúralo showcases the exploration of artistic mediums through figurines, figurative images and figurative narratives. This winter exhibit asks the question, where can my imagination take me?

WHERE: Virtual Exhibition through the Smithsonian Learning Lab

Check out the last year's digital exhibit on the Smithsonian Learning Lab! 

Signature Events

Each year the ESB-MACC hosts four signature events organized for the community to honor, share, and celebrate our culture and heritage. Always free to attend and participate. Learn more about our yearly events below!

Viva Mexico with mariachi next to horse

Viva Mexico

OUr Viva Mexico 2024 is on Saturday, Sept 14, 2024! All details at www.austintexas.gov/vivamexico. The day of Mexico's Independence from Spain is remembered on the 16th of September. Mexico's father of independence is Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, who started the revolt on the eve of the 15th of September.

MACC Las Mujer

La Mujer

A celebration of women inspired by the first feminist of the New World, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, with food, art, and performances by womxn

All details for the 2024 La Mujer can be found at https://www.austintexas.gov/MACCLaMujer

Attendees at the 2021 Awards of Excellence Event

Awards of Excellence

Award Ceremony recognizing remarkable Latinx for the highest artistic excellence they bring to the cultural arts of Austin, TX.  The Awards took place on July 29, 2023 at the Long Center.

Children attending the 2021 Day of the Dead Celebration in skull-like face paint

Dia De Los Muertos

This beloved tradition brings family and community together to celebreate the lives of our ancestors, family, and friends, veterans, and public figures. This multi-day celebration and festival includes kid's activities, local markets, food trucks, community altar exhibits, music, & dance performances. 

In 2023, the MACC's Day of the Dead celebrations will take place on November 2nd at Oakwod Cemetery and November 4th at the Pan American Recreation Center.

Read more about our Day of the Dead 2023 Events!

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The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center is a vibrant arts center with 100,000 annual visitors. Since 2007, we have been offering countless cultural events and art classes focusing on performing arts, music, literature, film screenings, and the Latino Arts Residency Program. A collaboration is a one-time presentation that is co-produced with the ESB-MACC.  It can be a panel discussion, music or theater presentation, film screenings or community engagement discussion. The ESB-MACC organizes year-round activities and also cooperates with a large number of partners who complete and strengthen programming through rentals and collaborations. For more information, email Estrella.DeLeon@austintexas.gov.

Collaborators that we have worked with in the past are: AARP, ALMA (Austin Latino Music Association), Austin Community College Creative Writing, Austin History Center, Austin Museum Partnerships, The Austin Symphony, Ballet East, Bellas Artes Alliance, The Center for Mexican-American Cultural Arts (CMACA), Cine Las Americas, Conspire Theatre, Crossroads Events, Dan Guerrero, Daniel Llanes, El Corazón de Tejas, Flor de Nopal, Indigenous Cultures Institute San Marcos, KLRU-TV, Latinitas, LATINO Magazine & No Mas Hambre, Nuestro Grupo, PODER, Proyecto Teatro, Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance Company, Telemundo Austin, Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, Texas Folklife, Resistencia Bookstore, University of Texas at Austin CMAS, Univision, Frida Friday ATX, Mexamericon, L.A.C.E (Latino, Arts, Culture & Education), The Latino Comedy Project. 

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