A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W
Service Online Phone Contact

Handle a citation

If you get a citation for a traffic or criminal violation filed with the City of Austin Municipal Court, you can look up the case details, pay fines, fees and costs, request a deferral, a hearing or a dismissal.

Handle a parking citation

If you received a citation for a parking violation, you can look up the case details, pay associated fines, fees and court costs or request a court hearing online.

History of mayors

This list shows the mayors in Austin's history in reverse chronological order. It ends with Mayor Edwin Waller, who surveyed the original town site in 1839.

512-974-2210 City Clerk

Homeowner assistance

The City has several programs for homeowners needing affordability and renovation assistance to stay in their homes and avoid foreclosure.

512-974-3100 Housing