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Service Online Phone Contact


Vaccinations are available for children (Shots for Tots), adults (Big Shots), persons needing testing or persons having hepatitis. Seasonal flu shots are also available. For an appointment, call 512-972-5520. View information about immunization clinics.

512-972-5520 Health

Information on accessibility issues and laws

The office dispenses information and referral services to the general public, businesses, and organizations. See the Americans with Disabilities Enforcement Program.

512-974-3256 Human Resources


Development Services

Installation request for outdoor Liquified Petroleum gas

Fire Department approval is required to install a stationary Liquefied Petroleum gas (LP-Gas) aboveground or underground container or LP-Gas cylinder exchange cabinet at commercial businesses, multi-family housing, and one- and two-family dwellings. 

3-1-1 Austin 3-1-1

Investigate ADA complaints of discrimination

Citizens can register a complaint or concern pertaining to a City service, program or facility by calling 512-974-3256 or emailing David Ondich.

512-974-3256 Human Resources