If you are applying for a Right of Way (ROW) permit, then fees may apply.  Application fees are non-refundable, so it is important that you select the correct type of permit before making payment.  See our "Right of Way (ROW) Permits" webpage for a list of the types of right of way permits that are available.

I have a question about ...

Fee Schedule EX and DS Fee Calculator TURP Fee Calculator
DS Fee Process - coming soon! EX Fee Process - coming soon! TURP Fee Process - coming soon!

When do I need to pay fees?  What type of fees apply to my permit?

The type of permit being requested will determine which types of fees apply.  Fees fall into one of three categories - Application, Usage, and Inspection.  Application fees pay for the cost of the permit review.  Usage fees pay for the usage or rental of public-owned right of way.  Inspection fees pay for inspections performed by Development Services Department (DSD) staff.

A four percent technology surcharge applies to all fees.

Right of Way Permit ROW Application Fee ROW Usage Fees DSD Inspection Fees
ROW Contractor License X    
DS, Residential X   X
DS, Commercial X X X
Excavation X X X
Parking X X  
Temporary Use of Right of Way X X  
Sidewalk Café X X  
Valet X X  
Vendor X X  


How can I pay fees?

The following payment methods are available:

  • Online
    • Austin Build + Connect Portal (ABC): Payments must be greater than $9.99 and less than $800,000.  It may take up to 90 minutes for your payment to process.  Please wait the full 90 minutes before attempting to pay again.  
      • Credit Card
      • Check
      • Escrow Payment
  • In-Person
    • ATD Cashier (located at 1501 Toomey Rd): Mon-Fri 8:30am-2:00pm
      • Credit Card
      • Check
      • Cash
    • PDC Cashier (located at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr): Mon, Wed, Fri 7:30am-3:30pm
      • Credit Card
      • Check
      • Cash
      • Escrow Payment
      • Escrow Deposit


How do I make a payment on ABC Portal?

To make a payment, log into ABC Portal, go to “My Bills” (from the menu on the left side of the page), a list of your applications will load, select the appropriate application, and from that application page, select “Pay Now” (at the bottom of the page).  This will take you to the payment system.  Follow the on-screen instructions from there.

If you see an “Online payment being processed” message - and you didn’t receive a receipt - then the payment is not logged.  Wait 90 minutes before attempting to pay again.

If you need to edit/update your saved credit card information, log in to your City of Austin Wallet to make any necessary changes.


How do I get my invoice corrected?  How do I get a refund?

For invoice corrections, or to inquire about a refund, contact the Permit Analyst who performed your permit review.  Refunds may take 6-8 weeks to process.  During this time, the permit (and any related permits) may be automatically placed on hold. 


What do I need to do to activate my permit?

To activate your permit, contact the Permit Analyst who performed your permit review.  For the quickest turnaround, respond to the “ROW Invoice” email that your Analyst sent you.


Why don’t I see my permit or license fees listed on ABC Portal?

Common reasons why you might not see your fees listed include:

  • Your permit application is in “Application Incomplete” status.  This means your application is not submitted so fees are not yet assessed.  To submit your application, go to “My Incomplete Applications”, select the appropriate application from the list, and then select “Edit and Continue” at the bottom of the page. 
  • Your account is not linked to that permit or license.  To get linked, email rightofway@austintexas.gov and provide the relevant permit/license number and the email address of the account you want to pay from.


My permit status is “Pending Payment”.  What do I need to do?

The “Pending Payment” status means the required application fees are not yet paid. See the “How do I make a payment on ABC?” section above for further instructions.