Outreach and Leadership

Teen leadership and skill development programs for the community foster youth development in an explorative and self-motivating environment to increase quality of life.
Roving Leaders Program
Teens in Leadership Training (TILT) is a leadership and job readiness program for students 15-18 years of age. It gives teens the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful employees with the Austin Parks and Recreation Department (PARD), other city departments, or with our community partners.
Teens In Leadership Training
Community Recreation

Community teen programs at Recreation Centers have a youth development philosophy which focuses on providing youth opportunities to enhance their interests, skills and abilities through intentional programming and quality experiences that help develop social, emotional, ethical, physical and cognitive competencies.
After School Programs
Cultural and Art

Visual and performing arts, culture and history teen programs preserve and protect the past, celebrate Austin’s diversity, build community, and develop awareness and appreciation for the arts.
Totally Cool, Totally Art
Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center - Teen Leadership Program
Nature and Outdoors

Nature-based programs provide hands-on educational and recreational activities that increase appreciation for the natural environment and awareness of the conservation ethic.
Therapeutic Recreation

Therapeutic programs embrace the diversity that defines Austin and works to ensure that all individuals are accepted, included, and welcomed to participate, play, and recreate together with a team of Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists (CTRS) and Inclusion Aids.
McBeth Recreation Center