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You may have heard of the Austin Green Business Leader program, but perhaps are still unsure of how the program works or who the members are. We’ll be featuring different members throughout the year to introduce these great business that are helping make Austin an even better place to live and do business!



Featured Member: St. Andrew's Episcopal School

You may have heard of the Austin Green Business Leader program but perhaps are still unsure of how the program works or who the members are. We’ll be featuring different members throughout the year to introduce the great businesses helping make Austin an even better place to live and do business!



foundations communities header

You may have heard of the Austin Green Business Leader program, but perhaps are still unsure of how the program works or who the members are. We’ll be featuring different members throughout the year to introduce these great business that are helping make Austin an even better place to live and do business!


Chivas Watson smiles and holds a fist up downtown. A MetroBus is in the background.

I’m helping to make Austin Net-Zero by ensuring that I, my organization, its members, and the communities we work in are transforming how we produce, consume, and move about our region here on Earth.

Meet Chivas Watson, Founder and Lead Administrator of WorkingGroup512 (WG512) and our newest Net-Zero Hero! Founded in 2020, WorkingGroup512 provides direct service to i…


Photo of Zach BaumerIn January, after over a decade of service with the Office of Sustainability, Chief Sustainability Officer Lucia Athens retired from her work with the City. With her departure, Climate Program Manager Zach Baumer was appointed Interim Chief Sustainability Officer. “I know I am leaving things in good hands with the exceptional Zach Baumer filling in for me in an acting role,” wrote Lucia, “I could not be more confident in his capabilities.”


Mary K. Priddy HeadshotThis Valentine's Day, we sat down with the Office of Sustainability's Education and Outreach Coordinator, Mary K. Priddy, to learn more about how to infuse a little love for Mother Earth into your celebrations. Read on for Mary's tips...


Like many people, I have always had a love-hate relationship with Valentine's Day. On the "Love" side, it's a good excuse to go on a sugar-hig…


Amal Morse smiles on the deck of her tiny house.

I’m helping to make Austin Net-Zero by living in a tiny house, being mindful of the impact of my personal actions on the environment, and participating in the 2041 ClimateForce Antarctic Expedition.

Meet our newest Net-Zero Hero: Amal Morse! Amal is an Austinite, documentary filmmaker


Amanda Mortl leaning against a railing and smiling with lots of green plants around.

Please join us in welcoming the newest team member to the Office of Sustainability: Amanda Mortl! Amanda is stepping into the role of Environmental Program Coordinator. They'll be focusing on protecting our city's air quality and advancing Austin's Climate Equity Plan. As Amanda settle…


A photo of Gaby Benitez standing outside. A graphic on it reads, "Gaby Benitez: Net-Zero Hero".

I’m helping to make Austin Net-Zero by advocating for equitable access to and connection with nature. 

In celebration of National Poetry Month, we’re excited to introduce our newest Net-Zero Hero, Gaby Benitez! Gaby is a poet, nature advocate, and born-and-bred Austinite. Nature is at the center of so much of what Gaby does. She worked for years on the education team at…



A photo of Rohan Lilauwala at Mendez Neighborhood Park.

Please join us in welcoming the newest team member to the Office of Sustainability: Rohan Lilauwala! Rohan is stepping into the role of Environmental Program Coordinator. He'll be focusing on supporting climate resilience and advancing Austin's Climate Equity Plan. As Roh…