Find more information about the current watering restrictions, exemptions and variances in this comprehensive list of Frequently Asked Questions and below.
Program your irrigation controller and set your watering schedule to improve irrigation efficiency with this helpful video.
Austin residents can protect their lakes, the environment, and their future water supply by watering only one day a week. Join your neighbors in helping your community and wallet by adhering to the mandatory watering days and times.
By watering only one day a week with a typical automatic irrigation system rather than two to three times a week, a household could save 7,000 to 14,000 gallons a month. That could be a savings of up to $150 a month, depending on how much additional water is used by a household.
Golf courses using potable water can only irrigate fairways on their watering day; tees and greens can be watered every other day if Austin Water is notified.
Irrigation of golf course fairways allowed between midnight and 5:00 a.m. or between 7:00 p.m. and midnight on designated outdoor water-use days only
Irrigation of golf course greens or tees allowed every other day with notice to and approval by Austin Water only
The following are allowed at any time on any day of the week:
Watering with drip irrigation, a hand-held hose or a refillable container
Watering trees with a Treegator®, soaker hose or automatic tree bubbler
Watering vegetable gardens with a soaker hose
Watering to protect the health, safety, or welfare of the public
Using reclaimed or auxiliary water
Irrigating athletic fields
Watering plant material at a commercial nursery
Watering in or commercially applied herbicide or pesticide
In limited situations, a variance from water restrictions may be granted. All variance requests must be submitted using the application forms below. Variances are granted on a case-by-case basis and applicants must continue to follow current watering restrictions until the variance request is approved.
New Xeriscape Landscape – for a newly installed xeriscape landscape design that requires a special watering schedule.
Large Property – for large residential or commercial property that cannot be completely watered under the current watering schedule (does not apply to new xeriscape landscape projects).
Environmental – to protect an endangered plant, animal, aquatic species, or critical environmental feature.
Health / Safety – to maintain the health, safety, well-being or cleanliness of the public or environment.
Income – for businesses whose primary source of income depends on using water outside of the watering schedule.
Medical / Disability – for a documented medical hardship or qualifying disability.
Failing to follow the water restrictions may result in enforcement action, including penalties of up to $1,000 per violation. To report violations, call 3-1-1, use the 3-1-1 mobile app, or submit a report online. Please provide the address, time, date, and type of violation.
Learn how to make your automatic irrigation system work more efficiently, program your irrigation controller and apply helpful water conservation tips found in our Youtube channel.
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